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barium swallow and endoscopy-2 - library
63 yo with h/o dysphagia for both solid and liquid for 2 months, 6 lb loss. past: TIA 6 months ago, pneumonia 3 months ago, and chonic heartburn treated with over counter antacids. PE: mild epigastric tender. normal xray.

most approapriate next step in dx?
a, endoscopy
b, barium swallow
c, motility study
d, 24 hour PH monitering
B.BS is the next step
She has dysphagia w both solid & liquid-- Achalasia.
The most accurate dx test is esophageal manomatry.
Never answer Endoscopy for pt that u think dx is Achalasia bc the esophageal mucosa is normal in this dz.
motility study
for motility study, u must think of dx Scleroderma.but the prominent sx of scleroderma is REFLUX. Correct me if i'm wrong.
B- barium swallow should always be done first... followed with esophagoscopy.
Clue: Dysphagia to solid and liquids simultaneously gives hint of Motitlity problem rather than mechanical.
3 diseases of motiltiy problems are: Achalasia, DES, and Scleroderma

Nothing in the History suggests Scleroderma, so I would also go with
Motility study will confirm if achalasia but also differentiate if it is scleroderma

Let us know the answer
yes, B is right.

Ben, when is your test?
Hi Library,
Taking it in April. Can't wait to get it over with.
Is there and explanation to your question. Would be great to know. Obvioulsy I am still getting a little confused about barium swallow and motility studies. maybe u can shed some light.
Will also post some questions here soon.
How about u , when are you planning to take it?

I guess april 17 was right. Does it mean if barium comes back inconclusive we would then go for manometry?
Hi Ben,
according to Dr Fisher in 2005 kaplan video-GI part:
-2 dz that do not need endoscope bc the esophageal mucosa is normal. So Scope not help:
1. Achalasia
2. (Schatzki's)Ring & Webs (Plummer-Vinson syndrome)----NO progressive dysphagia, distinguish feature fr. Achalasia.
-1 dz that contraindicate scope: Zenker diverticulum.
-1 dz that Barium study is not neccessary: Scleroderma
i still not very clear about these dx test & dz. But hope this help.
how do you guys explain 6lb weight loss??/
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