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metabolic alkalosis - cooool_dracula
can sumone explain chloride responsive and resistant types mechanism pls............havin trouble gettin the concept exactly
what i could get is tht chloride responsive types-the kidney is normal so due to any cause of dec. blood volume....there is inc aldosterone and thus more Nacl is reabsorbed and we lose hydrogen and potassium..............aka alkalosis with dec. urinary chloride.
can be corrected by giving saline which will normalize the volume loss
chloride resistant types.......problem in cant reabsorb nacl hence urinary chloride is high and ECf volume is cant be corrected by giving normal saline.
Hi dracula CK qSmile
The term Cl/depletion alkalosis is “incomplete story” of pathophy of ANY form metabolic alkalois bz the true it FAILS to tell you how electronerutlity was happen.
That been said; the conc of HCO3 is ratio HCO3 (ECF) think like math in ^[numerator] and ECF vol in ^^[denominator] now
^INC conc numerator for exp add HCO3
^^AND/or a DEC in denominator
Now, quantity estimate ECF vol. is important as u mention to assess the quantity of HCO3 in ECF compartment ( that is important metabolic alkalosis)
BZ term Cl/depletion alkalosis is misleading YOU HAVE to find deficits by either KCl, HCl, or/and NaCl

Beside knowing that Hct can help you measure assess ECF vol and is possible to get to conclusion about def of different Cl containing compounds -> add to story of dev metabolic alkalosis.
YOU are correct in ECF vol contraction -> DEC renal perfusion P-> Aldosterone kicking
HOW about AngII & usual pH in PCT and NaHCO3 re-absorption???? Think about it let me know if the gaps fill Smile

IF you understand what i said you can understand that is possible to DEC con HCO3 in ECF comprtament w LARGE infusion of saline BUT AND BIG BUT this Does NOT correct the gain of HCO3 IN THE ECF compartment or the gain H in ICF compartment and obviously NaCl CANNOT replace a def KCl ( perfect ex tell u Cl/depletion concept process not complete pic led -> metabolic alkalosis)

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