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@_@_@...HY Facts For CK...@_@_@ - savi
You`re welcome,mazinmoodi and djyoti.
Jyoti,I really appreciate your efforts.It`s not a lazy job,on the contrary,it needs lot of your time,patience and as you said,big heart!!!!!
1. CHF due to aortic regurgitation: give diuretics, ACE inhibitors, digoxin, NOT Beta-blockers, which prolong the diastole --> increased regurgitation

2. Malaria: P. Vivax - fever every 48h, P. Ovale -f ever every 72h, P. Falciparum --> no periodicity - starts with intense chills, then the hot phase, then presents 2-6h later with vomitting, low BP, tachicardia, anemia, splenomegaly -hystory of past similar complaints when in Africa

3. Babesiosis: RBC cell parasite from ticks, varies from asymptomatic to severe anemia, jaundice and renal failure; seen in splenectomised patients or with HbSS diseases

4. TB can appear in HIV patients even with CD4 count > 200/ul; no need of hystory of close contacts.

5. Case of SYSTEMIC MASTOCYTOSIS which there's proliferation of mast cells in the skin, liver, spleen, BM and lymph nodes. It can occur at any age, no +FH, and atopy is not increased in these pts. the cutaneous lesions of urticaria pigmentosa respond to trauma with urtication and erythema(Darier's sign) diagnosis with clinical findings, physical exam,and lab findings. A 24 hr urine collection for histamine and PGD2 metabolites is the most common noninvasive procedure.confirmtion of diagnosis with tissue diagnosis. Rx: symptom/sign directed approach, H1and H2 antihistamines.
hi savi

howr u doing?

--meconium ileus is highly associated with cystic fibrosis, anautosomal recessive disese

have a freqency of about 1 in 2500 birth

--infants with phenylketonuria are usually detected on state newborn screening tests;those who are not diagnosed by some reason present later with already mental retadation behaviour problem

--taysachs diseae in askenez zews is also autosomal recessive disorder a

--taysachs disease is a lipidosis

---taysachs disease presents developementall delay and seizure inthefirst year of life.

--galactosemia is a disorder of carbohydrae metabolisb wher there is jaundice and cataract

--galactosemia start from soon after feeding start.manifestating as vomiting growth failure and hepatomegaly

--wilsons disease does not present at birth /wilsons disease present with hepatitis usually after the age of 5

-the adjusted reticulocyte count= measured hematocrit/normal ematocrit for agex reticulocyte

--an arc less than 2 suggest ineffective erythropoiesis ,

--an arc greater than 2signifies effective erythropoisis

--so aplastic anemia or redcellaplasi will have an arc less than 2

--but anemia caused by chronic disese and and chronic bllod loss will have an arc greater than 2

--so anemia due to decresed hematopoietic procedure will also have arc more than 2

--bonemarrow failure will have also arc more than 2
--irondeficiency microcytic anemia is the most common cause of microcytic anemia
-it is not only most common microcytocanemia but also most common childhood anemia

--iron deficiency anemia is most commonly seen in 6 and 24 month

--thalessemia syndrome are also microcytic anemia but less common than irondeficiency anemia

--anemia of ch disease may be microcytic or normochromic

--transient erythrocytopenia can occur in childhood early

--transient erythro cytopenia of child hood is a normocytic anemia that in acquired red cellaplasia

-so in transient erythrocytopenia of childhood also arc will be more than 2

--parvovirus b19 aplastic crisi is a normocytic anemia that result from parvovirus myel suppression

--most common cause of rectal bleeding in toddlers is an anal fissure

-- if the child is having bleeding from peptic ulcer then the child would have melena not blood streaked stool

necrotising colitis can cause bleeding in childhood but very early like in neonate also in premature baby

--inflammatory bowel disese also can cause bleeding in childhood but not so early as 18 month

inflammatory bowel disese and necrotizing enterocolitis could both cause lower gi tract bleeding in the form of hematochezia or blood streaked stool
hi savi

--a 5 yr child coming with facial handd feet swelling to yo will be probly minimal change disease and u treat with steroid

--same child with pain abdomen withhematuria will be iga nephropathy commonest one in childhood

--hemarthrosi in achild with similar hx inmaternal uncle wit ptt high and normal pt and normal platelets count is hemophilia

--inconsolable cry in a child every afternoon for several hours with normal / and baby looks and feed s well is colic
-premature baby apgar 5 and 7 at 1 and 5 minute got surfectant and was given empiric antibiotic got chest infection we will suspect gbs

--sepsis is the important cause of hypotension in children

--neuroblastoma doesnot cause distortion of calyces

hi jyoti,
I`m fine.What about you?Have a nice day and GL.
1. What is a common histopathological finding of meningiomas? Psammoma bodies. These are spindle cells concentrically arranged in a whorled pattern.

2. What are ependymomas? Ependymal cell tumors most commonly found in the 4th ventricle. May cause hydrocephalus.

3. Reason why Pregnant women get more chances of UTI: Increase in ventilation rate causes respiratory alkalosis: This causes renal compensation which leads to alkaline urine. This provides a good growth medium.

4. The normal values of Non-pregnant women do not apply to pregnant women. In pregnant women, the upper limts of BUN and Serum Creatinine should be 10 and 0.5 respectively. If a pregnant woman has a serum creatinine of 1.5, then it can only mean 2 things: either she has a kidney disease or it could be due to hypercoagulation which is seen only in Preeclampsia.

5. What constitutes a positive Straight Leg Raise (SLR) sign to diagnose radiculopathy? SLR is positive if the maneuver R EPRODUCES THE PATIENT'S USUAL PAIN .The patient may describe pain in the low back,buttocks, post. thigh or lower leg. But the key feature is reproduction of the patient's usual pain. Other factors such as muscle stiffness can mimic radicular pain. SLR is used to detect lesions of L5 and S1 roots and sciatic nerve. Reverse SLR (passive extension of leg with patient standing)-for L2-L4 roots and femoral nerve Crossed SLR-Performance of maneuver on one leg produces pain in the opposite leg or buttocks-The nerve or nerve root lesion is always on the side of the pain. For all these tests, the key feature is REPRODUCTION OF PATIENT'S ORIGINAL PAIN.
hi savi
long time no see in the forum hou yodoing

--most of extraintestinal manifestation regress after rx of inflammatory disease except episcleritis

calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis occur in crohns

irriatable syndrome occurs in 10 to 20 % of population

--23 yr old guy burping all the time having fatty intolerance with negative investigation may have nonulcer dyspepsia

---steatorrehea is due to increse cyclic amp

---source of watery diarrea is small intestine

--after crohns disease operatio the diarrea occurs due to short gut sndrome but that response to cholecystaramine

--irritable bowel syndrome is due to inappropriate pain impulse

---large volume paracentensis is asafe and ffective way of quickly mobilizing clinically significant ascites

esophageal varies do not bleed below 12 mmof hg.

--trivial elevation of alt is in hepatitis c

--healing in chronic liverdisease is by regeneration andfibrosis

--stage 4 encephalopathy cause permanent neurological damage which will be contraindication for liver transplantation

--dont wait for sx colon cancer presnt late

--prefered route of nutrition is enteral thamn parenteral

risk of cancer is in villous tubular adenoma in that order and in sessile is more than peduncular

in primart hyperthyroidism both calcium and parathormone are incresed and it is mostly due to hypar plasia but 5 peret can be due to cabncer / a,lso associatedwit men 1 and 2

--in secondary hypothyrioidism there is hypocalcemia and increase parathormone. it is due to renal failure and there is lack of conversion of 25 to 1 25 dehydrochlecalciferol

simlest assesment of weight loss is at first questionimg about intennional or unintentional wt loss then only nutrition hx anthropometry. albumin tranferrin lymphocyte coumnt anergy

-- barbeque is bad

--too much cooking of meat is bad for it can cause cance/ too less for staph/toxoplasmosis/taenia

--environmental factor of cancer is al most 75% may be more


dysmorphic feature of down syndrome include flat facial profile.upslanted palpebral fissure, a flat nasal bridge with epicanthal folds a small mouth with a protruding tongue,micrognthia and short ears with down folding ear lobes. excess skini nthe back microcephaly a flat occiput short stature a short sternum small genitalia and a gap between first and scond toe. sandal gap toe.
anomalies of hand include single hand crease simian crease and short broad band hands with finger marked by incurved fifth finger clinodactyly

--features of trisomy 18 incclude hypertonia microcephaly.occipital defect iris coloboma microopthalmia. and cleft lip and palate and clenched hands . boys with klienfelter syndrome donot have physical feature identified at birth that could led too suspician of the disorder; girls with turner s syndrome have a webbed neck, widespaced nipple cubitus valgus wide carying angle and edema of hands and feet.

--functional and structural abnormalities in children with trisomy 21 include generalised hypotonia obstructive sleep apnea cardiac defect ; endocardial cushion defect, and septal defect are seen in 50% of cases. gastrointestinal anomalies like duodenal atresia, hirshsprung's disease . atlantoaxial insstability developmental delay.moderate mental retardation and hypothyroidism. there is a higher frequency of leukemia in children withtrisomy 21 than general population.

--isoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura is noted in newborn, not in children. isoimmune igg ntibodies are produced against the fetal platelets when the fetal platelets crosss the placenta . now the maternal antibody wil cros e placenta andattack thefetal platelets.

--leukemia sepsis, and hypersplenism may cancause thrombocytopenia

--sepsis is unlikely if childappearswell/

--hypersplenism is unlikely when the spleen is normal on palpation

reyes syndrome are not common these days now that theparents are instructed to avoid aspirin in children.

the most common consistintent laboratory abnormalities are hyperammoniaemia and elevated liverenzymes although glucose and electrolyte may be abnormal aswell.

-polyhydramnios is defined as amniotic fluid volume greater than 2 litres . chronic polyhydramnios is more common than acute polyhydramnios. polyhydramnios is associated with lesion that interferes with fetal swallowing such as neural tube defect ' aencephaly and myelomeningocele ' abdominal walldefect 'omphalocele and and gastrochesis duodenal atresia and cleft palate as well as gestational diabetes , immune or nonimmune hydrops fetalis. multiple gestation and trisomy 21 and 18.

--oligohydraamnios is a decreased amount of amniotic fluid and is associated with postmaturityamniotic fluidleak intra uterine growth retardation and congenital abnormalities of the fetal kidneys. bilateral renal agenesis results in potters syndrome which is associated with renal anomalies oligohydramnios and pulmonary hypoplasia .

--telescoping of a proximal segment of proximal segment to distal segment is called intussception. it has coiled spring appearance in ba enema in axr in rt lower quadrant. the barium enema or air enema results in hydrostatic reduction of intussception in sever cases.

voiding cystourethrogram will demonstrate vesicourteral reflux

-renal ultrasound and intravenous pyelography can demonstrate the mass

-nuclear scan may show area of scarring demonstrating a previous episode of pyelonephritis

-corticosteroid such as prednisone and methyl presinolone require a 4 to 6 hours to take theeffect. however they are very important in the treatment of exacerbation because they address the underlying inflammation and prevent the late phaseresponse.

--theophylline ., albuterol,and terbutaline are bronchodilators that virtually haave no inflammatory properties. cromylyn is amastcellstablizer that is not effectie in acuteexacerbaton

--the primary serious complication of kawasaki disease arecardic including vasculitis and aneuresm formation. prognosis is tied to cardici nvolvement cardiac instability can produce arrythmias infarction or congestative heart failure within days of presentation

--aneuresm and coronary rtery disease persist and may result in death months or year later.

-- hypsarathmia is the patten seen onelectroencephalogram in patients with infantile spasm .

--a characteristicly generalized symmetrical 3 per second spike and wave pattern would be expected in patient with absnet seizure.

--causes of increased cerebrospinal fluid protein level include guillain barre syndrome

--epinephrine is a very good drug epinephrine is used for asytole. bradycardia , and or ventricular fibrillation . lo dose epinephrine increases systmic vascularresistense chronotrophy and inotrophy,therby increasing cardiac output and systolic and diastolic blood pressure coronary pefusion is incresed. low dose epinephrine may change fine ventricular fibrillation to coarse ventricular fibrrilation and promote succssful defibrillation.

hi savi i saw u in step 2 cs forum

are you preparimg for cs

good luck
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