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to those who scrambled!!! - entity
My question is for hundreds of individuals who scrambled and didnt get a spot yet. Has anyone recieved any invitations for interviews yet... or does any one has any idea when do the programs actually call for interviews. your reply is much appreciated.
i think there is no point to expect interview now.......... I am not matched and I tried to get position through scramble.......... most of the programs wished to review application through ERAS...... as we have submitted our documents to the program first time during the actual match season, we can not re-send our documents to the same program for scramble.... I tried to call each and every program I was interested to join; the reply was same, " we have filled our positions for scramble". I dont know how...... as they might not even get the documents by ERAS within 1 hour of starting the scramble....... only God knows....... considering almost a week past the scramble days; I dont think we may get interview now...... I hope, I am wrong in this matter (wish we get interview in recent future).... good luck......
I totally understand your feeling. I tried to send my file to every program during scramble by e-mail and by ERA and by fax but all of them told me the same thing "the position has been filled". At first night of scramble, I did not sleep but kept faxing my files to program. I wonder how could they possible to review all applications in few hours and to make the decision so quickly. I guess there is the special connection to contact the PO during scramble but I don't know the way. It has been a week already. I don't keep any hope but wait for the next regular math...
agree with you nohopeatall....

we are facing the same situation as your id right now, NO HOPE AT ALL......

anyways, GOOD LUCK......
hai,i went through the whole process, since my score s were reported late i didnt match,scrample is as such horrible but i got a position through scramble,since i was not in us at that time i think its more god s grace but i do have regrets now, since its not my first choice speciality,when we are in a unmatched situation we get desperate and we will take what ever comes on the way but this whole thing determines our future then interests come in,i think its better not to regret about not matching because there will be something better for u in the future,but from what i know i got almost 5 interviews during scramble ,but signing of contract happens so soon that we have to reject the rest of the interviews and regret if its from our needed speciality,i am stuck with fp now ,and looking forward for next dont be disheartened good luck.
rachel rose,...... you got a position in the first 48 hrs of scramble or was it much later... like this week.
I have the same question as entity...


YOU MUST BE VERY LUCKY............... as even many people who are present in USA didnt get chance to contact programs during scramble ; and you, who was out of USA during scramble time got 5 interviews........ HATS OFF TO YOU........ congrats for getting FP residency......
come on.... nobody has heard anything from the programs that are still open.....
hai,i have 99 in both steps but didnt apply for much ,yes i live in canada and applied from here ,i gave the faxing job to an agency but they didnt do their job ,they started doing it on 15 th instead of 14 th,yes i got the calls with in first 48 hours itself i say after those people faxed my resume by 15 th noon,i signed my contract by 12.30 and got calls for 2 prelims ,one nuerology,and 2 fp ,i actually liked to join prelim but they were asking for my papers to show that i have a advanced position next year,i am new to the whole process i think its god s grace i got atleast this,but i am not happy with fp because i want to do fellowship in cardiology.
hai,i dont think they will call again because from my experience who ever have not filled their spots they have atleast contacted those people whom thye are going to interview,i say this because i find the university of alabama fp remaining open but i know the pd called me on 15th to arrange an inteview that week,so i think its better to wait now after 1 to 2 months somepositions will be open,some wont join and they will advertise again ,mainly prelims open up like that and i think its the best option for future residency,u will have usce and good letter from them ,for me its going to be difficult because not sure program would be happy if i leave.
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