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a 62 year old women omes to physician with tightne - biryani
a 62 year old women omes to physician with tightness in chest over her anterior chest during brisk walking. she has episodi symptoms for previous 6 months, sometimes associated with sob. discomfort lasts `0-15 minutes and feels like muscle cramps. pt has h/o DM, and anxiety.. current meds are simvastatin and low dose aspirin...bp is 135/90 and pulse is 72/min. BMI 29. Physical exam unremarkable. office ecg shows sinus rythm with t wave inversion in leads avL and v1. which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?

a. coronary angio
b Exercise stress test
c. echo
d. clopidogril and metoprolol
e. nitrate therapy
B. Exercise stress test. This is a normal ECG ( T wave is normally upright in leads I,II, V3,V6; inverted in aVR; variable in d rest). The patient seems to have stable angina: EKG if normal> stress test,if abnormal>Angiography
but the patient is 62, has hypertension, DM--->considered high risk..
why not A.

high pre test CHD----Angio?
any other input
The ECG in the vignette is normal as stated in prior discussion.

MTB - 3
Dr. Fisher says do not do angio unless stress test is abnormal.

Patient may need angio but should be directed by stress test.

Agree completely with first response.
however in usmle world

they state that if patient is a high pre test probability of CHD you can go straight to angio

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