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How to study CK before Step 1? Input from seniors? - mohanlal
If faced in this situation...

What is the best way and materials to get for studying Step 2 CK if I did NOT take or study for Step 1 yet?

Preparation is for 3 months. Old FMG.

#1. usmleworld step 2 ck mcq
#2. ???
#3. ???

I am sure many here in Step 3 have done this before and so am just kindly asking for you to let me know on how to gather the right material to finish this.

I already have my permit schedule. Thank you for helping me.
This is a really tough question because Step 2CK success depends a lot on your Step 1 foundation. Problem is a lot of what generates higher step 1 scores depends on test taking skills, basic science fundamentals, and the occasional zebra.

My guess? Start with the Kaplan step 1 qbank. It'll help strengthen your physiology and other basic sciences so you can navigate the Step 2 material better. After, then use Kaplan QBank, then UWorld towards the end of prep. Also do a Step 1 NBME exams after Kaplan. Then Step 2 NBME exams to gauge progress. Do Kaplan twice, making sure the majority of questions are done in timed mode. One last pass through or incorrect answers. Only give yourself a few weeks to get Kaplan done and don't waste time trying to memorize, overthink, or spend hours reviewing questions. Memorizing questions is useless because you have to understand the concepts. Questions, questions, questions.... and then more questions until you're doing 6-7 full blocks/day.

Books are a hard thing to even begin recommending, too. The most basic thing to do is take a copies of First Aid (Steps 1 and 2) and make notes in the margins as you do questions. This way all your notes will be accessible in one place because it's a little unrealistic to believe there'll be enough time to review all of those q-banks a third time

Save the UWSA for last.

It's difficult to do Step 2 before 1, IMO. Any particular reason you've chosen this order?

Have you already done CS?
Thank you aybabtu for replying and giving all this advice. It was the order I read from others when I searched online many years back and thought I may start with the clinical things first.

Only problem is I have not done any other clinical practice or work for 3 years after graduating and so I thought I should deal with things closer to that gap rather than even before, big mess I know but I have my exam permit now.

#1. I can get first aid step 1 + first aid 2 ck = no problem.

#2. I did not follow your advice on kaplan qbank. Did you mean to do kaplan qbank for step 1 to learn the basic sciences and also do kaplan qbank for step 2?

Was the a reason why usmle world step 1 + usmle world step 2 ck could not be used for that?

Or am I doing, kaplan step 1 qbank + kaplan step 2ck qbank + usmle world step 2ck ?

And which do I do twice from kaplan? kaplan step 2 ck qbank?

#3. What will a NBME for Step 1 help for Step 2CK? I won't be taking Step 1 until after CK but trying to understand the reason for this.

#4. so no kaplan step 2 videos or step 2 lecture notes?

Sorry for all the questions but yes, must make a plan for next 90 days and so all this will help me stick to something.

And no did not do CS yet. First taking CK in 3 months. Then study for step 1 and take in 2 or 3 months. And then apply for externship somewhere, no idea on that part now but need to pass some usmle stuff first.

I am also trying to get married in the summer and give chance to apply for residency in September. Maybe take step 3 before that if I can pass other exams. So 2016 is year of usmle 1 - 2ck - 2cs - 3.
Yes, Kaplan step 1 to get the basic science concepts down that they will include in the Step 2 CK exam.

Step 1 qbank twice, timed. 3rd to round is only incorrect questions.

Everything builds on Step 1. There are still biostats questions on step 3.

There are a ton of step 1 NBME exams. Any of the more recent ones should be useful for getting an idea about the solidity of your step 1 foundation.

Getting married? Don't you already have enough stress with 4 exams to take and hoping to get a residency?!
Ok I see, thank you in that clarification. Well I am trying to get married to have some other life in this stress Big Grin

How long will it take to do step 1 kaplan in your suggestion? At what time period will I do Kaplan Step 2 and Usmleworld Step 2?

I did not want to get in a trap with step 1 stuff and find out I did not spend enough time for CK Big Grin I understand what you mean but better put in a schedule that makes sense or I could be in a bigger problem. The CK exam was already expensive and it took a lot of paperwork to process.

Let us say I start tomorrow. I have 3 months. So month 1, month 2, month 3 , then exam.

At least a month on step 1.
So in the month 1, I should not look at any step 2 ck material but do first aid step 1 and kaplan step 1 qbank? Then spend only month 2 + month 3 for step 2 ck and then take CK? Big Grin

Thanks for all the guidance here and time you took to help.

Maybe some others senior graduates can share their feedback? Never would I have considered this idea you gave had you not replied.

Can anybody else agree on aybabtu's way of doing this?
One other query concern ayabatu or anybody. Instead of doing kaplan step 1 qbank, why not do usmle world step 1 qbank in month #1?

And then month #2, kaplan qbank ck + usmle world ck?
I should have clarified why to use Kaplan over UWorld. UWorld should be saved for when you're doing step 1. Also, Kaplan is great for physiology.
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