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I feel terrible... Did not Match - essence10
This is my second time applying for Pediatrics and Family Medicine. After my first Match, I changed my application around significantly.

YOG - 2011 / 209/216/ CS - passed all first attempt

I'm doing my MPH, working as scribe, volunteering at hospitals and hospice, had very strong letters of recommendations, even received emails from programs that they look forward to seeing my in July. I also had a very close contact to one of the programs that had spoken on my behalf and all of this still it did not prove to help.

I had only 2 interviews this year. I had 5 last year. During my interviews, all faculty acknowledged that I was working very hard and had a great application.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong...
Never give up! Never ever give up!! I can tell from your post that you are a hard worker! Keep doing all you can! It will surely work out for you! I have you in my prayers!
YOG 2013, 245 step 1 224 step 2 CS pass All first attempt... Research in Harvard....
3 programs told me that they look forward for me to join their residency program..
1 Program sent me a mail cover letter of interest...

AND DIDN'T MATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know how you feel Cetamool. I had also received letters and postcards last year, and after not matching, I didn't look too much into all that this year. To also mention, I have 2 research publications in journals. I honestly don't know what more am I suppose to do, another take the Step 3 now.
I mean what could I do more!!??? huf
I feel for you guys; I had 9 this year across three specialities, got some love from programs as well, and didn't match.
I feel the same. Done all i can do. Had 3 ivs this year after getting only 1 IV in the 3 previous matches, and still did not match.
Guys don't give up. I know it feels so bad right now and hopeless but work as hard as you can this upcoming week and continue to contact programs after. As July approaches, there are some residents who might have visa issues and if you make yourself known to programs (send in your CV maybe even schedule a meeting) they'll contact you if there is an unexpected opening.

I know what this feels like. It's terrible. Grieve but don't give up. It will happen for you as long as you're persistent! Good luck to you all
Thanks for the advice geekchic.
i feel the same and so sad.
i cried, cried and cried, until no tears in my eyes any more, until my heart is totally broken, until pain is less.
my plan is to watch a very sad movie tonight (no studying just for tonight). sleep earlier 10:00 pm. usually until 12:00.
Still need to review OBGYN last a few chapters tomorrow.
take exam in next a few months.
hope for the next match.
wish there is light at the end of the tunnel. but who knows? maybe there is no end of this darkness.
just have to work hard no matter what.
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