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advice/tips to get thro FA and uw - medicalcook
anyone who has gone thro this exm kindly advice on how to memorize and recall FA.
my problem is when im done with cns and move on to say resp ....i have forgotten the depth ive gone thro to remember stuff in cns.
FA has very limited space to scribble in stuff for helping me to recall.
anyone has tips or what they have done to recall the tons n depth of information?
You can customise your FA. Just tear a notebook page and glue it in and write in there.
Or you can buy lined post its and stick them in the book with your notes . That is what I do. See if it might help you/
I agree with Quasar about post it sticky notes, and also the FA is not a "one time read" best thing to do is be repetitive with the Fa and the notes in there, eventually alot of stuff with stick and be able to recall, my advice is to read 1 or half of a chapter a day everyday, until your exam date. you can also print out each chapter of the FA and bind them in a binder if you have the pdf, and go over them separately!
thnks quasar and saqib!
i did that for most of my FA. i think im struggling with somehow FA seems not so useful for biochem.going thro kaplan once again for it.
plan for today chap 13,14 biochem.
i will integrate FA as well.
will update once im done.
Let us know how it is going. : )
done with chap 13 14 15 and related FA pgs....fatty acid synthesis i didnt cover from FA ....too much information ....did it straight from Kaplan.
did 1 uw block
great job. : )
i am working on my genetics and FA
thnks for the post drswiby...
@Quasar: i will come back to genetics after immuno
target for today 16 17 18 plus 15 review.
Im keeping a timer next to me.... so i dont get distracted... 50 mins n 10 min break.
goodluck to evryone!
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