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p0 - whiteblue
What is the ML dx in an depressed elderly pt with 10 lb weight loss, a 3 mo™s hx of fatigue, decreased appetite, depressed mood, decreased concentration who is able to recall 2 of 3 objects after 5 minutes, and says his dead wife tells him that cancer causes his loss of appetite and that he should end his life before he goes through the same painful death as she did? He loses his motivation to keep up with his normal schedule of taking care of the house and keeping up with his medication daily, and playing golf and visiting friends weekly.
1. Schizoaffective dis
2. MDD with psychotic features
3. Dysthymic disorder
4. Adjustment dis with depressed mood
5. Pathological bereavement
6. Schizophrenia
2. MDD with psychosis
hsar is right,
2. MDD wth the answer

......if there would not be clear picture of MDD then you can choose 1. for 3...duration has to be 2 years atleast, typical symp of MDD rules out 5, for 6 symp must be there for 6 months atleast, and for 4 there sould be history of changing of place or something like that.....
yes i will also go for mdd with psychosis/ all other which do not have psychotic features are just ruled out.

scizophrenia is apure pschosis and that is also ruled out.

so we have two choices left--one is scizoaffective another is major depressive disorder and psychosis.

it is not scizoaffective because depression fetures are so much prominent--besides in scizoaffective disorder affect features are gone for 3 weeks when psychotic features come to play.

so mdd with psychosis is the tale here.
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