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Alhamdulluah I passed. - aqua03
Psychiatry questions are based on drug side effects many a times, so here I have made a list of drug effects you might want to know:

Clozapin- agranulocytosis, reserved for resistant cases
Olanzepin- wt gain, DM
Quetiapine- sedation, less movement disorder, orthostatic hypotension—check BP
Risperidone-movement disorders, less sedation
Thioridazone-prolong QT interval, retinal pigmentation
Ziprasidone-conduction problem
Metochlopramide-Tardive dyskinesia, repetitive movements of lip-tongue
Duloxetin-give when pt has neuropathic pain
Buproprion-Depression with smoking cessation, No sex problems, No wt gain, but associated with seizures
Lithium-prevents suicidal ideation in bipolar disease
Lithium-Ebstein anomaly, diabetes incipidus , avoid in pregnancy use Lamotrigine instead
Mirtazapine—Wt gain, so given to depressed its who has poor appetite, wt loss and insomnia
Imipramine—used in enuresis
Trazadone—strong sedation so used in case of severe insomnia, it causes prolong erection
TCA- anticholinergic effects, dry mouth, pupil dilatation, facial flushing, peripheral vasodilatation, hypotension
TCA- EKG, sodium bicarbonate Rx
Lithium toxicity- tremor, ataxia, confusion, acne, increased deep tendon reflex, seizures
Lithium side effects- wt gain, acne, hypothyroidism, polyuria, tremor,GI distress
Carbamazepin- Agranulocytosis, sedation
MAOI-selegeline, hypertensive crisis with TCA,tyramine rich food,antihistaminics
Haloperidol-neuroleptic malignant syndrome, muscle rigidity,tachycrdia,elevated CPK—Rx with bromocriptin,dantrolene
very helpful, thanks
A 42-year-old man is scheduled to undergo an MRI for evaluation of hemoptysis and abnormal findings on an x-
ray of the chest. During the MRI, he is unable to stay in the machine and yells to get out. When he is taken out,
he appears pale. He has no chest pain or shortness of breath, but he describes "tunnel vision" and tingling in
his fingers while in the machine. He has hypothyroidism treated with levothyroxine and occasional heartburn
treated with over-the-counter ranitidine. His pulse is 104/min, respirations are 22/min and shallow, and blood
pressure is 140/90 mm Hg. He is cooperative and apologetic and wishes to resume and complete the test.
There is no evidence of paranoia. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
A) Biofeedback
B) Measurement of serum thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration
C) Breathing into a paper bag
D) Hypnosis
E) Haloperidol therapy
F) Lorazepam therapy
G) Propranolol therapy
Mashallah , congratulations.
panic attack
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