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The Trump Effect - drstem
I just want to say that Trump is right in stopping FMGs from acquiring residency jobs in America. Just think of it this way : If A US Citizen went to a foreign country to study medicine and passed all the exams there , would that foreign country allow the US Citizen to practice medicine there? The answer to that is NO! I know an Egyptian doctor who studied at Manipal medical college in India! At the end of his mbbs degree, the MCI didn't even register him to practice medicine there!! Then why do you all FMGs feel that you are somehow entitled to come to this foreign land, USA and get a residency or job without any visa or permit?!! USA should reserve the residency and job spots for US Citizens only. Other countries have built walls towards US citizens . It is time that US built its wall too. So, Trump is absolutely right. All you FMGs to go back to your countries and practice there. Only US Citizens and GC holders should come back to America. Trump is right.
Troll alert
First when you mean FMG it includes all the US citizen who go to other countries to do medicine. Next when you wasting your time to post such a garabage ,there is one IMG who is working his/her butt off to get residency...
"If A US Citizen went to a foreign country to study medicine and passed all the exams there , would that foreign country allow the US Citizen to practice medicine there? The answer to that is NO!"

Haha, actually the answer is usually YES!

Hilarious, drstem, the troll.
Let me understand this way.
US citizens who are qualified they always get job. Those who are not qualified enough, PD, who most of the time Americans dont want to hire them and thats when FMG comes into picture.
You are telling PD choose only Americans even if they are not qualified for it.

In short Eat Garbage if you dont have food.
When I mean FMG in the above post I mean the non citizen FMGs.

And yes, US Citizen IMGs should be hired first because they are Americans. USA should serve Americans first and not give jobs to outsiders instead !! Americans FIRST! Whether you people like it or not this is what Trump is doing. So pack your bags and get ready to go back to your countries. Everything is not scores and grades any more. US Citizens first and then the rest of the application will be looked at.
Yes Michael swash... Who would you feed first? Your own family or more qualified people from foreign countries?!! Trump is right!! Americans FIRST.
I don't know why non-US citizen FMGs think that they are always smarter or more qualified than US Citizens!! There are PLENTY of Well Qualified US Citizen IMGs too.

Secondly, I don't agree with mediatrics above. I graduated from India and I am US Citizen . In India under MCI regulations we have to be a Citizen of India to work as a Registered Medical Practitioner there. Anyone can check this up. So as a US Citizen, I was denied registration there. So I cannot work in India. Since we are US Citizen IMGs we should be given first preference here in USA. So I agree with drstem and what Trump is doing. Any country feeds its own children first before feeding the world. You cannot feel entitled to get jobs in a foreign country just because you feel you are more qualified!! This is not about qualifications. This is about Citizenship.
Wait... this guy isn't trolling? He's serious!!?? Haha. You do realize if America walls itself off, then Russia, China, India will all grow into the world leaders and America will wither.

America is the current world leader because they hire the worlds best. Not Americas best.
While I think its unfortunate and retarded what Trump is doing regarding banning certain groups, I also feel U.S. citizens should have priority. This is how its done at least in Australia as well where Australian citizens get first priority not only in hospital picks but also even getting a job regardless of a more qualified international student.
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