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Did any IMG matchin OBG? - success@mle
Hi friends! I am interested in OBG and need to know if any IMG got matched here in OBG?
Plz msg me here or skype me to success.usmle14
I would appreciate your response and it will be very encouraging.
the specific answer to your question is yes a few infact matched

all the best
Apply to IM

OBGYN chance for this creds...

Step 1: 24x
Step2: 25x
cs- 1st attempt
yog: 2014
IMG visa needed

Currently doing MPH here in US. but No US clinical or research experience.

Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
Why does everyone ask in a forum where info is unreliable and biased? Would you rely on personal accounts of success to make a decision such as choosing which residency you do?

Do your homework, go to the NRMP site and look up the match results:

For OBGYN 2017:
1288 positions offered, 1049 filled by US graduates. That means 19% or so filled by others (Previous US graduates, graduates of osteopathic schools, US-IMGs, non-US IMGS)
There were 1202 US senior applicants and 1753 total applicants. Assuming that all the US graduates that wanted OB matched and others maybe had another ranked specialty, that means that there are 239 positions left for 551 applicants. 43% of those 551 non US seniors matched in this specialty.
You will have to wait for the final match results to know how many of those 239 matched applicants were Non-US IMGs.

Compare that to 2016 when 77% positions were filled by US graduates and 2015 with 79%.
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