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tv - whiteblue
ML dx in a middle aged pt with 10 yrs infatuation with a famous TV actress who he has never met but believes is in love with him , with no hx of MDD nor manic sx™s, no other abnormalities via PE, and mental status exam, no evidence of hallucinations?
1. Schizophrenia
2. Schizoaffective dis
3. Narcissistic persnonality dis
4. Delusional dis
5. Exhibitionism
4 .... single fixed delusion
key phrases
well.. described a single fixed delusion for a length of time.. with everything else being negative.
a middle aged pt with 10 yrs infatuation
Recently met a true man dx with schizophrenia who killed his brother because he believes that his brother rapes his socalled sister who he sees at the airport but has never had a direct conversation or any relationship with. He also believes that God gives him special talent to hear, see things others could not.

What is the difference in this man and the pt described above?
hallucinations- auditory, visual alongwith delusions. ?
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