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nbme surgery #4 - xmudphud
a healthy 14 yo boy came to physician for a 2 wk hx of severe Rt. knee pain and hip associated with limp. he has intermittent, mild pain in the same knee and hip for 3 months. he plays on his junior high school football team. he is at the 50th percentile for height and greater than the 95th percentile for weight. temp is 37C. abduction of the Rt. hip is slightly dec compared with the Lt. there is mild tenderness of the Rt. hip. exam of the Lt. hip shows no abnormalities. he walks with a limp and is unable to bear his full weight on the Rt.

A. legg calve perthes dz
B. osgood schlatter dz
C. osteomyelitis
D. recurrent sprain
E. septic arthritis
F. slipped capital femoral epiphysis
G. stress fracture
H. tibia vara
I. toxic synovitis

I was pretty sure that B was the right answer. It was wrong. I thought this was a classic OSD with an athletic teen story, but it's apparently not. Any thoughts?

65 y/o female came to ER 1 hour after she fell. she has right wrist pain, her last doctor's visit was 10 yrs ago, exam shows swelling/tenderness of the Rt. wrist. x-ray of the wrist shows no fracture, but subperiosteal bone resorption is noted in the distal phalanges. her serum Ca2+ is 12.4, serum creatinine is 1.2, which of the following serum conc is most likely to be decreased in this pt?

A. 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol
B. magnesium
C. parathyroid hormone
D. phosphorus
E. vitamin C

I chose C but still got it wrong. any idea? thanks!
1-F I am not sure
2-D- I think hyperparathyroidism-bone resorption and high calcium with normal renal function
Question is about decreased not increase-PTH
Btw slipped capital femoral epiphysis is associated with obesity
F and D Smile
i think D & D
nos 1 f.. NOS 2 not really sure if this osteoporosis or hyperparathyroididsm which makes D correct or osteoporosis which makes A ..serum creatinine of 1.2 seems abnormal for D to be right .. correct me if am wrong..
ok i think i got the right thoughts for nos 2 ans is D not A ..
Osteoporosis -labs normal (Ca P ALP PTH N)-decrease bone mass-there is no lytic or sclerotic lesion or resorption
Vit d deficiency lead to rickets/osteomalacia- low Ca low P high PTH-secondary hyperparatharoidism
high PTH -subperiosteal bone resorption
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