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NointervewDoc - noInterview

No need to send money.
Please email to noInterview if you are US citizen or Greencard holder and have difficulty finding residency position.

To contact: You must also be ECFMG certified or an AMG who have passed Step1 and Step2 .
You must had no interviews or offers despite applying to programs.
Have a proof of emails or other correspondence as proof that you got rejected. Keep the proof with you.

Let us get together on the web and find out our numerical strength. Later , let us goto the media also.

We can ask our lawmakers to help us get residency.

Our (US) constitution allows us to petition the US Government to redress our grievances.
Our Constitution also allows us peaceful assembly.

I am not discriminating against anybody with a particular religion, race, nationality or view.

Yours brotherly,
NoInterview Doctor

i agree with u. let's make a peaceful move.
20interview doc

I definetly can not agree with you to do such a thing I guess america is still land of opportunity for the best, america has always taken the best in everything why not doctors,if this means increasing competitiveness , I'm an american I have decent board scores and I have recieved 20 interviews so far fo surgery cat. eaven 3 in the top programs one at MGH.
I thik you should have, as every respectable american,PRIDE but definetly in YOURSELF based on your ACOMPLISHMENTS not in your visa status OH MY GOD!!!

you sound like a looser 4 months before match day.
get agrip of yourself and do some introspection.


Mee too. I cann't agree with u. We'd give opportunity to everyone. Pl stop such nonsense.
US citizen

1. Medicare completely supports the Graduate Medical education(GME).
It spends 100,000(hundred thousand) per resident per year. It pays the direct and indirect costs of offering training to residents. You know that every working American pays Medicare tax on every dollar earned on pay roll.

2. Foreign medical graduates who are citizens of other countries get
free GME here in USA. They come here on J-1 visa.

3. Why should American tax payer pay for this wastage of money. Already Medicare is financially in trouble.

4. Why should American Citizens who studied in Foreign Medical schools get
unemployed due to lack of residency positions for them. Due to competition from
J-1 visa holders, the US citizen FMG's are not offered residency.

5. We should give first preference US citizen FMG's in residencies. If any residency
positions are left then give it to J-1. If J-1 visa holders are trained then Medicare should not re-imburse the hospitals for training costs.

6. When all US citizens who graduated from US medical schools can get
residency, why can not US citizens who graduated from Foreign Medical schools
get residency?

Write the same exact message to your senator.;


In general terms, I agree with you nointerview doc, except for point # 4, you should be competitive enough to get a residency spot, if PD´s find you to be a non desirable candidate is only based on your overall performance and CV, not only your scores, in that sense 20interview doc is rigth this country is definetly based on competence.
Regarding the tax payers money, I think you have a good point, however you cant forget that foreing medical graduates are working hard to,and a job and should recieve payment for it, if not this can be seen as discrimination.

it is clear that pds never take a less qualified candidate for visa status only. there are a lot a lot a lot of gc holders with low scores not getting interiew or residency year after year after year.

on the other hand, all imgs with good score always always always get the residency.

and if you think if there is any profiling, it is just based on the medical school only, not upon race or color. i saw almost all pds favor an indian ethnic with american graduation significantly over a white citizen caribbian graduate.

so don't get confused. if you performed good, you are sure to get job, regardless of race or visa status.

but you must think other factors apart from score, such as experience and language skill. in that way canadian img will definitely be favored over an asian. it is reasonable.

best of luck
another citizen

we r paying taxes to fund the med schools & hospitals. we'd be given first preference.

becuase if they became doctor they will pay hundreds of thousand dollor tax

let me spaeak from some personal experience,i had the pppurtunity to study along with some USA graduates for step1 at a univ library,i scored in 90s and so did they,but i swear those guys were dumb,my img freinds who got mid 80s were much brighter than these guys,it clearly shows that either they have a different q bank for them or their 50th percentile is set lower than ours,more over i was amazed to find that these guys get matched only with step 1 score,and that too top branches,whats the damn drama all about,why dont they clearly state that img's need to take a different standard exam and have only restricted specialities to apply,why do they need to put up this equal oppurtunity crap on the face,we all know what happens and they know we know,so why not make it open and clear.sue these damn retards for discrimination,if this is not it what is,and all these submissive people wake up at least admit whats wrong,these people seem to have introjection working for them.
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