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who posted thise "please answer'' - mamamia
hello ,
I am sorry i missed the fun with these 'Please answer "Q.
dear sir/madam,
Organize these q in some kind of order so we can follow the Qs.
in other words It is time for to discover the NUMBERS
Mamamia I tried to collect them.....there is a possibility some could be repeated as you have seen there is no order....I didn't get a chance to go over them myself yet. So if there is any repeatation I apologize ahead of time. Hope it helps

3. A 2 year old boy ingest an unknown quantity of iron sulfate tablets that his mother was given for anemia following childbirth. the most likely consequence of this ingestion is

a) gastric bleeding
b) metabolic alkalosis
c) polycythemia
d) respiratory depression
e) urinary retention

8. A 50 year old man who recently immigrated to the USA from Russia develops fever, swelling of the neck, and difficulty swallowing. His vaccination history is uncertain. Examination of the throat shows a gray membrane across the pharynx. The pathogen resposnsible for this infection most likely acquires its virulence through which of the following genetic events?

a) acquisition of a transposon
b) chromosomal mutation
c) conjugation
d) recombination
e) transduction
12. A 5 year old boy is brought to the physician™s office because of pharyngitis. Culture of a swab from the throat grows a beta hemolytic gram positive coccus in chains. which of the following componects of the microbe is responsible for this organism™s shape?

a) glycoprotein
b) lipopolysaccharide
c) lipotelchoic acid
d) peptidoglycan
e) polysaccharide
f) teichoic acid

21. Four months after a cholecystectomy for removal of gallstones, a 43 year old woman has recurrent episodes of biliary colic. after endoscopic sphincterotomy, the episodes of colic do not recur. which of the defects in the spincter of oddi best explains the patients™ course?
a) inability of smooth muscle to contract
b) inability of the enteric nervous system to activate excitatory motoneurons
c) loss of entric inhibitory motor innervation
d) reflux of duodenal contents into the common bile duct
e) release of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide

24. A 42 year old man with pnewmococcal pneumonia has acute fibrinous pleuritis. which of the following proteolytic enzymes is required to eliminate the exudates and restore normal pleural anatomy?

a) collagenase
b) plasmin
c) stromeolysin
d) thrombin
e) trypsin

25. A series of experiments is performed to determine the mechanism by which a pharmacologic agent traverses cell membranes and accumulates within target cells. The rate of transport depends on the concentration fo the drug only. when the extracellurlar concentration of the agent exceeds 10 mm, no further increase in the rate of uptake is observed. structurally similar compounds pass through the cell membrane, but at a lower rate . Quabain, an inhibitor of NA+/K+ ATPase, fails to inhibit transport. Which of the following is the most likely mechanism by which this agent enters cells?a) antiportb) facilitated diffusionc) lon-gated couplingd) simple diffusione) symport

6. A neonate with swelling of the neck has a decreased serum thyroxine (T4) concentration and an increased serum thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration. which of the following agents chronically ingested by the mother during the pregnancy is the most likely cause of these findings?

a) corticosteroids
b) propranolol
c) prophylthiouracil
d) thyroxine(T4)
e) triiodothyronine(T3)

26. During an experiment on the cough reflex in humans, a subject inhales air containing different amounts of particles that will impact and adhere to mucus primarily in the trachea. Blockade of which of the following different pathways would most likely prevent this subject™s reflex to initiate a cough?

a) glossopharyngeal
b) laryngeal
c) olfactory
d) trigeminal
e) vagal

29. A 72 year old man has difficulty initiating urination. digital rectal examination shows an enlarged, firm prostrate. an assay for serum prostrate specific antigen is 3.5 mu g/L (reference range = 0-5) examination of the tissue obtained on biopsy of the prostrate is most likely to show

a) adenocarcinoma
b) chronic prostatitis
c) epithelial dysplasia
d) glandular hyperplasia
e) leiomyoma

32. A 23 year old woman has had intermittent amenorrhea since the birth of her first child 5 years ago. She received 10 units of blood during her delivery . wher skin is thick and doughy. she has no energy and is depressed. which of the following is the most likely cause of her symptoms?

a) adrenocortical insufficiency
b) chronic fatigue syndrome
c) hemochromatosi
d) HIV infection
e) pituitary necrosis

33. The 17 year old boy showin the photograph is brought to the physician after having a tonic-clonic seizure. which of the following additional findings is most likely to be disclosed on detailed history-taking?

a) episodes of hypomania
b) episodes of severe depression
c) family history of alcoholism
d) special education beginning in the first grade
e) special education beginning in tenth grade

39. A pharmaceutical company has developed a drug that prevents egress of Mg 2+ from N-methyl-D-aspartate(NMDA) receptor. What is the most likely effect of this drug in a patient with an acute stroke?

a) decreased risk for seizures due to hypomagnesemia
b) facilitation of Ca 2+ entry into the neuron and enhancement of excitotoxin-mediated cell death
c) Hyperpolarization of membrane and conduction block
d) prevention of Ca2+ entry into the neuron and reduction of excitotoxin-mediated cell death
e) rapid depolarization of membrane with lowering of the seizure threshold

41. A bacterium harboring a 15, 000-base pair (bp) plasmid that encodes resistance to tetracycline and ampicillin segregates mutants that lose resistance to either drug. Each independent mutant plasmid appears to increase in size by approximately 5200 bp. Which molecular event best explains these findings?

a) formation of plasmid concatemers
b) formation of pyrimidine dimmers
c) homologous recombination
d) insertion of a transposon
e) slip-stranded DNA replication errors

43. Sudden withdrawal from which of the following substances is most likely to produce a life-threatening syndrome in a person dependent on that substance?

a) amphetamine
b) cocaine
c) heroin
d) methylphenidate
e) secobarbital

48. A 61-year old man has a 3-month history of dull, aching pain on the left side of his chest. which of the following is thte most appropriated next step in evaluation of this patient?

a) ask him about his past medical history
b) ask him about his family history
c) ask him for additional details about his chest pain
d) order an exercise stress test
e) perform a cardiovascular examination

50. An experimental drug is administered to a human subject with moderately severe congestive heart failure. within minutes of intravenous administration, there is a measurable decrease in cardiac preload and cardiac afterload, and an increase in glomerular filtration rate. the effects of the drug are most similar to those produced by which of the following?

a) ADH(vasopressin)
b) aldosterone
c) angiotensin II
d) atrial natriutetic peptide
e) insulin
f) norepinephrine

1. A 10 year old girl has fever, fatigue and easy bruising. Laboratory studies show:
Hemoglobin 6.6 g/dL (N=11.8-15)
Hematocrit 20% (N=36-45%)
Leukocyte count 1300/mm3
Platelet count 12,000/ mm3

A photomicrograph of bone marrow obtained on biopsy is shown. The most likely diagnosis is

a) Aleukemic leukemia
b) aplastic anemia
c) immune thrombocytopenic purpura
d) myelofibrosis
e) vitamin B12 ( cyanocobalamin) deficiency

4. A 40 year old woman discovers a breast mass during self-examination. At a routine health maintenance examination 2 months ago, her physician had told her all findings are normal. after having a mammogram that is suspicious for breast cancer, the pateient begins to wonder if her physician failed to notice the lump during examination 2 months ago. She is most likely to sue the physician under which of the following circumstances?

a) occurrence of breast cancer
b) poor communication between the patient and physician
c) potential financial reward for the patient
d) strong pressure from family members

19. A 28 year old woman develops temperatures to 39.4 C (103 F) and substernal chest pain 3 days after being treated by her dentist for gingivitis. An Xray film of the chest shows an enlarged cardiac silhouette. On pericardiocentesis, 250 mL of cloudy fluid containing large numbers of neutrophils is removed. Which of the following is most likely on examination of the fluid?

a) Acid fast bacilli
b) buddying yeast forms
c) DNA virus
d) gram negative bacilli
e) gram positive cocci

20. The structure indicated by letter X on MRI of the head lies within which bony region?

a) anterior cranial fossa
b) maxillary sinus
c) middle cranial fossa
d) orbital cavity
e) posterior cranial fossa
f) pterygopalatine fossa

23. A 25 year old woman at 32 weeks gestation begins taking adrug to delay the onset of preterm labor. after the first dose, she notices tremulousness in her hands. which of the following types of receptors is most likely to be involved in this effect?

a) Alpha 1 “ adrenergic
b) beta 2 “ Adrenergic
c) dopaminergic (D1)
d) Muscarinic( M1)

24. An adult™s hemoglobin is 98% saturated with oxygen, but arterial oxygen content is drecreased. the most likely cause of this condition is

a) anemia
b) an arteriovenous shunt
c) hemoglobinopathy
d) high altitude hypoxia
e) pulmonary diffusion defect

25. which of the following best describes the movement of Na+ and K+ during one cycle of the Na+. K+ pump (ATPase) in neurons?

Na+ K+
a) 2 in 2 out
b) 2 in 3 out
c) 3 in 2 out
d) 2 out 2 in
e) 3 out 2 in

27. A new analgesic drug that will decrease pain at sites of acute inflammation is to be developed. this action can be achieved by creating an antagonist to which of the following inflammatory mediators?

a) bradykinin
b) C5a
c) Histamine
d) Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
e) Prostacyclin
f) Transforming growth factor

25. A series of experiments is performed to determine the mechanism by which a pharmacologic agent traverses cell membranes and accumulates within target cells. The rate of transport depends on the concentration fo the drug only. when the extracellurlar concentration of the agent exceeds 10 mm, no further increase in the rate of uptake is observed. structurally similar compounds pass through the cell membrane, but at a lower rate . Quabain, an inhibitor of NA+/K+ ATPase, fails to inhibit transport. Which of the following is the most likely mechanism by which this agent enters cells?

a) antiport
b) facilitated diffusion
c) lon-gated coupling
d) simple diffusion
e) symport

32. A 50 year old man who has had a myocardial infarct was subsequently diagnosed as having familial hypercholesterolemia, an autosomal dominant disorder. His son has not been tested for hypercholesterolemia. what is the probability that the patient™s granddaughter, through his son, will have hypercholesterolemia?

A) less than 1%
B) 10%
C) 25%
D) 33%
E) 50%

33. A 23-year-old woman is scheduled to undergo surgical repair of an aortic malformation. A ganglionic blocking agent is administered before the procedure to decrease her blood pressure. The hypotension is achieved by binding of the drug at which of the following receptors?

a) alpha1 “ adrenergic
b) alpha2 “ adrenergic
c) beta1 “ adrenergic
d) beta 2 “ adrenergic
e) muscarinic
f) nicotinic

41. The nucleotide sequence encoding four amino acids near the amino terminus of a 10-kd protein is 5 “ ACT GAA TTG CGT “ 3™ which of the folloing consequences of this mutation is most likely?

a) altered cell cycle checkpoint
b) decreased rate of transcription
c) protein truncation
d) single amino acid substitution

36. A 55 year old man with a 10 year history of poorly controlled hypertension has had increasing dyspnea for the past 3 days . Last night he slept sitting in a chain. Vital signs arePulse 110/minRespirations 30/min and regularblood pressure, sitting 120/80 mm/Hgthe apical impulse is felt 2 cm lateral to the midclavicular line in the sizth intercostals space. over the apex, there is an early diastolic low-frequency sound after S2. This sound is most likely a) a mid systolic clickb) an opening snapc) a pericardial rubd) a spitting of S2e) and S3

45. A 5 year old boy with a history of recurrent ear infections receives his preschool booster immunization against diphtheria-tetanus toxoid(tt). His response is well below normal for age and sex matched children. peripheral B lymphocyte count and T lymphocyte count and function are within the reference range. The antibody he makes is positive in both the passive hemagglutination and complement “mediated lysis of tt-coated erthrocytes. His antibodies do not opsonize tt-coated latex particles for phagocytosis and do not directly precipitate tt efficiently. This child most likely has a defect in which of the following processes?

a) affinity maturation of immunoglobulins
b) immunoglobulin isotype switching
c) recombination of heavy chain variable region genes
d) recombination of light chain variable region genes
e) somatic mutation of immunoglobulin genes

50. Beta hexosaminidase is made up of alpha nad beta subunits. Tay-Sachs disease is due to a mutation in the alpha subunit gene, and Sandhoff disease is due to a mutation in the beta subunit gene. If a carrier of Tay-Sachs disease marries a carrier of sandhoff disease, what is the probability that their first child will have either disease?

a) 0%
b) 12.5%
c) 25%
d) 50%
e) 100%

47. The graph sows the action potential in a typical nerve cell. which of the following best describes the relationship between membrane permeabilities (P) in the hatched region of the curve?

a) P Ca2+ < P Na+
b) P Ca2+ > P Na+
c) P Na+ < P k+
d) P Na+ is approximately equal to P k+
e) P Na+ > P k+

32. A 50 year old man who has had a myocardial infarct was subsequently diagnosed as having familial hypercholesterolemia, an autosomal dominant disorder. His son has not been tested for hypercholesterolemia. what is the probability that the patient™s granddaughter, through his son, will have hypercholesterolemia?

A) less than 1%
B) 10%
C) 25%
D) 33%
E) 50%

3. A 2 year old boy ingest an unknown quantity of iron sulfate tablets that his mother was given for anemia following childbirth. the most likely consequence of this ingestion is

a) gastric bleeding
b) metabolic alkalosis
c) polycythemia
d) respiratory depression
e) urinary retention

24. A 42 year old man with pnewmococcal pneumonia has acute fibrinous pleuritis. which of the following proteolytic enzymes is required to eliminate the exudates and restore normal pleural anatomy?

a) collagenase
b) plasmin
c) stromeolysin
d) thrombin
e) trypsin

4. A 40 year old woman discovers a breast mass during self-examination. At a routine health maintenance examination 2 months ago, her physician had told her all findings are normal. after having a mammogram that is suspicious for breast cancer, the pateient begins to wonder if her physician failed to notice the lump during examination 2 months ago. She is most likely to sue the physician under which of the following circumstances?

a) occurrence of breast cancer
b) poor communication between the patient and physician
c) potential financial reward for the patient
d) strong pressure from family members

19. A 28 year old woman develops temperatures to 39.4 C (103 F) and substernal chest pain 3 days after being treated by her dentist for gingivitis. An Xray film of the chest shows an enlarged cardiac silhouette. On pericardiocentesis, 250 mL of cloudy fluid containing large numbers of neutrophils is removed. Which of the following is most likely on examination of the fluid?

a) Acid fast bacilli
b) buddying yeast forms
c) DNA virus
d) gram negative bacilli
e) gram positive cocci

29. A 72 year old man has difficulty initiating urination. digital rectal examination shows an enlarged, firm prostrate. an assay for serum prostrate specific antigen is 3.5 mu g/L (reference range = 0-5) examination of the tissue obtained on biopsy of the prostrate is most likely to show

a) adenocarcinoma
b) chronic prostatitis
c) epithelial dysplasia
d) glandular hyperplasia
e) leiomyoma
23. A 25 year old woman at 32 weeks gestation begins taking adrug to delay the onset of preterm labor. after the first dose, she notices tremulousness in her hands. which of the following types of receptors is most likely to be involved in this effect?

a) Alpha 1 “ adrenergic
b) beta 2 “ Adrenergic
c) dopaminergic (D1)
d) Muscarinic( M1)

32. A 23 year old woman has had intermittent amenorrhea since the birth of her first child 5 years ago. She received 10 units of blood during her delivery . wher skin is thick and doughy. she has no energy and is depressed. which of the following is the most likely cause of her symptoms?
a) adrenocortical insufficiency
b) chronic fatigue syndrome
c) hemochromatosi
d) HIV infection
e) pituitary necrosis(sheehan™s syndrome)

48. A 61-year old man has a 3-month history of dull, aching pain on the left side of his chest. which of the following is thte most appropriated next step in evaluation of this patient?

a) ask him about his past medical history
b) ask him about his family history
c) ask him for additional details about his chest pain
d) order an exercise stress test
e) perform a cardiovascular examination

39. A pharmaceutical company has developed a drug that prevents egress of Mg 2+ from N-methyl-D-aspartate(NMDA) receptor. What is the most likely effect of this drug in a patient with an acute stroke?

a) decreased risk for seizures due to hypomagnesemia
b) facilitation of Ca 2+ entry into the neuron and enhancement of excitotoxin-mediated cell death
c) Hyperpolarization of membrane and conduction block
d) prevention of Ca2+ entry into the neuron and reduction of excitotoxin-mediated cell death
e) rapid depolarization of membrane with lowering of the seizure threshold

43. Sudden withdrawal from which of the following substances is most likely to produce a life-threatening syndrome in a person dependent on that substance?

a) amphetamine
b) cocaine
c) heroin
d) methylphenidate
e) secobarbital

41. A bacterium harboring a 15, 000-base pair (bp) plasmid that encodes resistance to tetracycline and ampicillin segregates mutants that lose resistance to either drug. Each independent mutant plasmid appears to increase in size by approximately 5200 bp. Which molecular event best explains these findings?

a) formation of plasmid concatemers
b) formation of pyrimidine dimmers
c) homologous recombination
d) insertion of a transposon
e) slip-stranded DNA replication errors

Thank you
very nice .
No problem...may be you can share your answers once you're done. I know some people tried to answer at that point but I lost was to complicated to follow.
sure .but now I am going to sleep-the day is so long when i am studing ..
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