05-19-2006, 10:21 PM
3.11. A previously healthy 85-year-old man has had abdominal distentlon, decreased caliber of stools, and
decreased appetite over the past 2 weeks and a 9-kg (20-lb) weight loss over the past 3 months. On
sigmoldoscopy, he Is found to have a constricting adenocarclnoma of the sigmold colon, Imaging
studies show three 1-cm metastases to the liver. Which of the following Is the most appropriate next
step In management?
A) No treatment
B) Radiation therapy
C) Chemotherapy
D) Combination radiation therapy and chemotherapy
decreased appetite over the past 2 weeks and a 9-kg (20-lb) weight loss over the past 3 months. On
sigmoldoscopy, he Is found to have a constricting adenocarclnoma of the sigmold colon, Imaging
studies show three 1-cm metastases to the liver. Which of the following Is the most appropriate next
step In management?
A) No treatment
B) Radiation therapy
C) Chemotherapy
D) Combination radiation therapy and chemotherapy