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applying for Pathology - Please gather here - peace4all - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2009

IV from UCI and UT memphis

IV from University of Virginia.

Albert Einstein, NY: algernon, lemonhh
Baylor: aprilmay, sharp, pollux
Baystate Medical Center/Tufts: egyptwithin, amfas, carotid, cloud
Berkshire Medical center, MA: amfas, carotid
BIDMC: pollux
BWH: mdia, Algernon
Brown: Algernon, mdia
Case University Hospital: aprilmay, mdia, lemonhh, Algernon
Cleveland Clinics: algernon
DHMC: Algernon, carotid
Drexel U: cloud, egyptwithin
ETSU, TN: amfas, aprilmay, lateentry
Georgetown: pollux, arkin
Hartford Hospital: carotid, amfas, aprilmay, egyptwithin
Henry Ford, MI: Carotid, amfas, yamma, needapartner, egyptwithin, cloud, aprilmay
Howard: egyptwithin, carotid, aprilmay, cloud
Indiana: Algernon
MGH: algernon, mdphd
Mayo clinic, Rochester: pollux, algernon*
Medical College of Wisconsin: pollux
MUSC: aprilmay, lemonhh
Methodist Hospital, Houston: amfas
NIH: algernon, mdia, aprilmay
Northwestern: carotid
NYU : mdia
Ohio State U: egyptwithin, cloud
Rush University: carotid*
Scott & White: mdphd
St. John Medical Center: amfas, carotid
St. Joseph Hospital Phoenix, AZ: Aprilmay
St. Luke Roosevelt: egyptwithin, carotid, sure2010, lemonhh
SUNY Downstate: sharp, algernon, carotid, lateentry
SUNY Upstate: drnita, aprilmay
Tulane: aprilmay, carotid, pollux
U Alabama: famresident
U Arkansas: algernon
U Buffalo: cloud, algernon, Aduo, yamma, sharp
UC Irvine: peace4all, aprilmay, lemonhh
UCSD: aprilmay, lemonhh, hepk
UCSF: peace4all
U Chicago: mdphd, sharp, algernon, mdia
U Colorado: algernon
U Florida Gainesville: amfas, cloud
U Florida Jacksonville : amfas, carotid
U Hawaii: carotid
UIC: peace4all
U Kansas: carotid, cloud
U Mass: algernon
UMDNJ-Brunswick: carotid
UMDNJ-Newark: egyptwithin, aprilmay
U Mississippi: carotid
U Missouri: lateentry, aprilmay
U Oklahoma: aprilmay, sharp, lateentry, algernon
UPMC: lateentry, hepk
U South Florida: carotid
U Tenn Memphis: amfas, peace4all, aprilmay, lemonhh
UT Houston: pollux
UTSW: pathopatho, mdphd, sharp, carotid, pollux
U of Toledo: carotid, amfas
U of Utah: carotid
U Virginia: pollux*
U Wisconsin-Madison: aprilmay, algernon
Wake Forest: amfas
Wash U in St. Louis: algernon, aduo, pollux, aprilmay, carotid, mdphd, hepk, lemonhh
William Beaumont Hospital: carotid, egyptwithin
Yale: carotid

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2009

i plan to apply for 10 pathology programs tonite!

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2009

I've got a rejection from U of Virginia

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2009

this is realy weird,i called one program and they said they have sent out 80 invites already...on this list only 4 people have received an inviite..that too they have 4 seats and premtached one!!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2009


0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2009

nita: that is true!! i got the same info!!! how come ? i even got email when i asked...they were saying the same!!! do they send iv to moon??

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2009

@ Carotid ..Do u have IL licensees ?

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2009

st lukes roosevelt!

anotherr program has sent out 40 invites!only 4 people on list again...y r people not participating in this thread??silent spectators

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2009

crazy27: i cant recall...however, i got the same for fm and im!!!!!!!i was shocked!!!! they mostly say they have got around 30-70% more applications this yr and cant go over all of them!!! so they even dont bother to look into our doc any more,
an fm program told me in phone not to apply there and coz they had already picked p ther own ppl+long waitning list!!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2009

this is just crazy n a waste of my money..another program is telling me they have no status on my application,they recived soo many,that the PD did not even get around to looking at mine!!!!!!!!!!!and they r dun inviting...

my hard earned money down the drain...