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applying for Pathology - Please gather here - peace4all - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 09-20-2009

Hi my friends,

I just realized that ECFMG already had my medical education credentials, do I still need to send it to ERAS? ECFMG does not transfer it to ERAS?

Thanks for help.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-20-2009

durham, you have to send it to ERAS a copy no matter if you already have one in ECFMG. You can also request ECFMG to directly transfer it to ERAS. You can do so by calling ECFMG and ask them how to do it.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-20-2009

appreciate your help, sharp!

It is really frustrated, some program's deadline is Nov 1 and I do not know if I can get everything before that. I will try my best.

Best wishes to your match.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-21-2009

Visit my site which contains my pics and plz click on 1 google ads

(When u come to Internet plz open my site and click on one google ads)

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-21-2009

IV list:

Henry Ford,: Carotid,amfas,yamma,needapartner
albert einstein,NY :algernon,lemonhh
St John Medical center:amfas
case university hospital :aprilmay,mdia,lemonhh
UTSW:pathopatho, mdphd
ETSU, TN: amfas
Methodist hospital,houston : amfas
Univ of Florida,Gainsvilles: amfas
Univ of Wisconsin-Madison: aprilmay
U Tenn Memphis:amfas,peace4all
Tulane University: aprilmay,carotid
Univ of south florida:carotid

rejection list:

Univ of south florida : peace4all,lemonhh
U Tenn Memphis: Sharp

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-21-2009

@sharp REConfusedtep 3

What you are doing is pretty much what I did. I studied for S3 on my train to work. No more than 2-3h a day. I did the Kaplan and UW qBanks. UW CCS is great!

If you are aiming to pass is not hard at all. If you are aiming for a good score, I honestly think step 3 is the hardest one. But is doable. To study I used Swanson Family practice, which is ok but not perfect. I focused a lot on simulated cases because that's really the format of the exam throughout.

Good luck.

(and BTW I think you should just aim to pass now since the score won't affect your application)

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-21-2009

Thanks a lot, algernon. Do you think Kaplan qbank is better than UW? I saw a lot of arguments on this issue and don't want to waste time. I don't have the Swanson book, but I have a Kaplan Book, something about "Master the Board" by C.Fisher. Do you think if I can just go ahead to use this one instead of Swanson? As for CCS, I will follow your suggestions and focus on UW. I only aim at >80 for step3, so hopefully I can make it.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-21-2009

hi guys,

i have a Q, one of my friends is doin her path MD in India, does she still have to go thru USMLE xams if she has to do residency here???

wat about fellowships?? does she have to go thru xams if she wants to do fellowship directly without residency???

please reply guys


0 - ArchivalUser - 09-21-2009

Very quiet for a Monday morning!

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-21-2009

Here have been quite for a long time...Right now I would almost welcome a rejection just to see something happening! Well...almost!