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applying for Pathology - Please gather here - peace4all - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 09-22-2009

My 2nd IV from UCSF.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-22-2009

Hey Guys!!!

I don't what happened with my ERAS message box..No IV, No rejection....not even acknowledgement for 9 days. Could it be due to 1 LOR, still pending to be scanned?? Is any body in the same boat?

Best wishes to everyone!!!

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-22-2009

About Northwestern letter. Let's play some word games, do some logical reasoning.

I believe it's just a receipt, not rejection, based on following:

1."Your application will be carefully reviewed" means they haven't started review. It often states in rejection letter as "Your application have been carefully reviewed".

2. algernon has excellent credentials. You should not be kicked out at such early stage.

3. honestdr does not have superb credentials as algernon, but "unique" experience related to pathology. 10 years teaching experience in pathology as Instructor and later as Assistant Professor in home medical school, 8 years reseach in US medical school (hospital), publications (no CNS), GC, strong 3 US lors all from MD. honestdr deserves a reveiw before they say "No".

4. If it is a rejection letter, many other people would have received the same letter.

5. This message is just a receipt which does not predict interview or rejection at this moment.

Guys, please join this game. Give your judgement. Or just say "yes" or "No" to my 5 statements.

Finally, I do not expect that I get in NW. I just need one (any one works for me)!

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-22-2009

I've got iv from

Wash U in St. Louis
University of Arkansas

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-22-2009

Congratulations, Algernon. Those two are both great programs, esp Wash U.
When did you get news from them? It looks like I am the only one who hasn't got any interview invitations.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-22-2009



You got iv from Wash U in St. Louis. I believe more that you are not rejected by NW. Maybe you will get iv from NW soon. Support my arguement: NW letter is not a rejection.

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-22-2009

@ algernon Here u go...............

Congrats...atleast ur eras inbox is active. Good for sure...


0 - ArchivalUser - 09-22-2009

IV list:

Henry Ford,: Carotid,amfas,yamma,needapartner,egyptwithin
albert einstein,NY :algernon,lemonhh
St John Medical center:amfas
case university hospital :aprilmay,mdia,lemonhh
UTSW:pathopatho, mdphd
ETSU, TN: amfas
Methodist hospital,houston : amfas
Univ of Florida,Gainsvilles: amfas
Univ of Wisconsin-Madison: aprilmay
U Tenn Memphis:amfas,peace4all
Tulane University: aprilmay,carotid
Univ of south florida:carotid
St. Joseph Hospital (Phoenix, Arizona): Aprilmay
Ohio state Univ: egyptwithin
UCSF: peace4all
Wash U in St. Louis: algernon
University of Arkansas: algernon

rejection list:

Univ of south florida : peace4all,lemonhh
U Tenn Memphis: Sharp
U Penn: sure2010
Northwestern University :algernon,honestdr

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-22-2009

I got the same msg from NW university !

0 - ArchivalUser - 09-22-2009

I've got both IVs today. The Wash U one did not come trough ERAS though. They emailed me directly.