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applying for Pathology - Please gather here - peace4all - Printable Version

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0 - ArchivalUser - 10-02-2009

egyptwithin - No, I do not have connections at any of the programs that I applied to.

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-02-2009

Got IV from NIH

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-02-2009

Congratulations, algernon! Is that research track? If I remember correctly, you have very good publications.

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-02-2009


Did you get a confirmation e-mail from Howard University after they called you? Thanks a lot.

BTW, I got a rejection letter from UCSF by MAIL. Not very environmentally friendly, eh?

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-02-2009


Did you get a confirmation e-mail from Howard University after they called you? Thanks a lot.

BTW, I got a rejection letter from UCSF by MAIL. Not very environmentally friendly, eh?

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-02-2009

Interviews (60) so far.

Albert Einstein, NY: 1algernon, 2lemonhh
Case university hospital: 3aprilmay, 4mdia, 5lemonhh
ETSU, TN: 6amfas
Henry Ford, MI: 7Carotid, 8amfas, 9yamma, 10needapartner, 11egyptwithin,46cloud,58aprilmay
Methodist hospital, Houston: 12amfas
Ohio State Univ: 13egyptwithin
Scott & white: 14mdphd
St John Medical Center: 15amfas,40carotid
St. Joseph Hospital (Phoenix, AZ): 16Aprilmay
Tulane University: 17aprilmay, 18carotid, 19pollux
U Tenn Memphis: 20amfas, 21peace4all
UCSD: 22aprilmay, 23lemonhh
UCSF: 24peace4all
Univ of Florida, Gainsvilles: 25amfas,43cloud
Univ of south Florida: 26carotid
Univ of Wisconsin-Madison: 27aprilmay,52algernon
Medical college of Wisconsin:45pollux
University of Arkansas: 28algernon
UTSW: 29pathopatho, 30mdphd, 50sharp
Wash U in St. Louis: 31algernon, 32aduo,33pollux, 34aprilmay,35carotid
St.Lukes Roosevelt: 36egyptwithin,49carotid
UT houston: 37pollux
SUNY downstate: 38sharp,39algernon,44carotid
Berkshire Medical center,MA :41 amfas,42carotid
Drexel U,PA:47cloud
MGH:48 algernon
BWH: 51mdia
Howard U:53egyptwithin59carotid
U Mass:54algernon
NIH:60 algernon*


Northwestern University: algernon, honestdr
UAB: Sharp
Univ of south florida: peace4all, lemonhh,egyptwithin,aprilmay,verypositive
U Penn: sure2010
U Tenn Memphis: Sharp
UTSW: aprilmay, mdia, lemonhh
scott and white,TX: egyptwithin,carotid,peace4all, aprilmay,verypositive
U Penn: aduo,sharp
indiana Unive: sure2010,verypositive
South Dakota: drnita
baystate :need a partner,algernon,sharp,aprilmay
St Joseph Hospital:cloud*
Sanford,south dakota:verypositive
East Tennessee State U:verypositive

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-02-2009

did u get a call from Howard U ? I haven;t received any confirmation email from them.
do you know anything about the program ?

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-02-2009


I got a call from Howard U, but they never sent me an e-mail. Don't know much about this program, but I like D.C.

Do you think I should send them an e-mail to confirm?

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-02-2009

no,they told me they would send me an email later on and will give information about the hotels and everything. so I don't think it's necessary to send them an email,I already scheduled mine over the phone.
did u set a date?

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-02-2009

Yes, I scheduled my interview on November 6.

Their number didn't show up on my caller ID, and so I want to make sure everything is correct :-)