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prematch - zenek - Printable Version

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prematch - zenek - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2014

Guys, would you please teal me how the pre match works? I am scheduled for iv IM end of January and i was told, the program goes for pre match. I am afraid that maybe until end of January, they already fill all of the spots. Would it that be possible? I am really scared. Or they interviev all candidates and then decided, who their will offer the position. I wii appretiate your input. Thanks and good luck to all of you.

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2014

Please, anybody...

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2014


0 - ArchivalUser - 10-30-2014

Prematch interviews are best scheduled as early as possible. Spots can be filled before January and they will either cancel or allow you interview for nothing.
If I were you, I will reschedule 1st or 2nd week of November.

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-31-2014

how about early (first week) december? ever heard about prematch being filled before then? ugh...

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-31-2014

which hospitals offer prematch in internal medicine

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-31-2014

Thanks guys. Unfortunately, they offered only january iv...that why I am is my only iv as far.

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-31-2014

It;s not totally true that all the spots will be filled before January. It depends upon program to program. But it's true that by January there will be few spots left and it will be more competitive

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-31-2014

...Sad only 5 spots anyway there Sad well...I will try my best. Thanks, for your help.

0 - ArchivalUser - 10-31-2014

zenek: how do u know they have only 5 spots left or is it the no of PGY1 spots ?