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Complaints about the Interview process - tpoed
Dear friends;

I wanna open my mouth; this truth but nothing the truth..Indain PD/Chief resident have started favouring their indian candidates and try to stop pakistani candiates from getting residency...pls think on this issue work on it if a day
I can see some genuine concerns and some vague angst here..

definately its odd to conduct report in any other language and that can be raised up with an authority..About Indian and Pakistani...well I work in UK and here they help each other although it depends on the person, sometimes when u r descriminated against you carry the anger and I am sure if tpoed comes across some indian candidate he will try 2 pay back..

The thing is we expect discrimination by the mainstream as we are IMGs but not by fellow IMGs of another country..but some races, particularly middle east guys have very idiosyncratic notions tht r funny bout others..

l think we have to accept this as a part of life there r those who discriminate and those who dont...I wouldnt let my personal bad experiences convert me into one who far as reporting to newspapers is concerned...I think they wouldnt be remotely interested in reporting anything against institutionalised racism by americans(read whites) but then IMGs of one country against another sounds juicy
I interviewd at Brookdale.
We met 2 resident. One a pgy3 female with a particularly long name, she said it so fast that I did not know what it was.
She introduced herself and then asked us to tell a little about ourselves. One of the candidates said her name which sounded remarkably like the resident's and the two immediatly launched into a conversation in their language. They started walking off while talking together and the rest of us followed in a group.
The other candidates that were after this mentioned person, never got a chance to introduce themselves.
Throughout our tour they continued to chat in their tongue, until one man interrupted and asked if this was a private tour?
The pgy 3, said sorry, as if she was unaware about what she had been doing and continued the tour in English.
She returned us to the waiting area and then she and the candidate she was chatting with left together. The candidate never returned.

Do I smell a pre-match somewhere???
don't bother about her is for the best.

you are lucky..........brookdale hires laborers Not residents. they want people who are already skilled & ready to practice...........& as for a teaching environment...well read the post & ease your mind.
Well let me tell you there are good and bad people everywhere.. I wouldnt label anyone.

One should strive to work with the good people, whether of any nationality doesnt matter. Bottomline is that we are all doctors and there is a place somewhere for each of us. So just be at your best behaviour at see where you fit best.

I like this makes good reading...much like a gossip column in a newspaper. If anybody else has any interesting stories, please tell. I don't have any...

BUT: at one program I did find the CR very attractive. Majority of the time, she kept on talking to the American medical students who she knew because they were interviewing a their medical schools residency program (does that make sense). I had to keep interrupting politely b/c I wanted the scoop on the program, and I a lot of questions...but after a while I took an interest in the attractive CR. But I didn't hit on her when I found out she was doing fellowship next year about 800 miles away : (

At one interview there was a very attractive candidate. At the whole interview, I took more interest in hitting on this attractive candidate than I did in the program (wasn't impressed with the program).

Well, those are my stories, sorry, they're not as shocking as the ones above...anyone else have any input?
vitriol dont do this dude

i did the same last year and am still here..

i hit on my interviewer she was drop dead gorgeaous..

i gave her an eyeful in the afternoon teachin..she flirted bak wid her eyes...and i had a very pleasant yearSmile
At another program, I got into a conversation with the PD about why he was interested in me as a candidate. He told me that my credentials were good...etc...etc... and then he ended it saying that he chose me for an interview b/c there is a PGY-2 resident who has the exact same name as me...this PGY-2 is very very popular in the program and so the PD thought that I may just be like him...

I thought that was interesting.
hrrmph, so what happened? Are you having a good year with the interviewer? How come you didn't get into that program?
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