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I failed plesae help!!!!! - tinanwk
I failed in LA tooa nd did NOT expect it..i'm starting to hear stories about this center and am wondering if anyone even PASSED HERE??
the format in FA--for patient note writing is very Nice-----
it has been followed bymany people and trusted
do not use lot of abbrevation--instead practise writing in the given 10 mins time---if most of the students can write the patient note--then why not u?
good luck
fasaeed, there are people who pass in LA i know some IMGs who passed there, but then again there are a lot of stories about this center so there may be some truth to these rumors! I really did not think i would have a problem because english is my primary language. I dont know which part i failed so when i get the letter i will let you guys know.

writingbook, I had a partner and we practiced for a month because i did not want to fail such an "easy" test we worked on this for 8 to 10 hours a day and took a day off here and there. I must have writen 50 to 70 pt notes i had a format and i stuck to it, the oly abbrevations i used were the common ones and the ones in FA but i did not write RRR i wrote out the words. like i said i wont know which part of the exam i failed till the letter gets here.

Does anyone know if we can find out the pass rate for each center?
sorry about that. i took my cs at l.a centre and i passed at first attempt. i took it in early part of january. i too have similar experience with the other examinees who forgot many things in the history taking and p.e.. but one thing for sure that helped me was the tip my brother has given me before i took the exam. he is a non medical professional who lives in california who arranged my accomodation during my short stay in l.a. the night before the exam, wht he said to me is this: 'what people in america would like to see from their doctor is a person who is very friendly, whom they will feel at ease to confide their concerns.' so i concentrated my thoughts more on how to treat the sp as if he/she is really is my patient, a friend or my own relative for i believe that is what would give a great impact on the sp whether to give you good marks or a failing score. i was sure that i failed to ask some questions essential to the history but because probably my being friendly to them they forgot my ommisions and allowed me to clear that part of the test. with this approach i find myself more relaxed when i did the patient's notes helping me to remember what to put in it. with regards to writing the patient's notes, i would say that you really have to master this as much as you could. in addition i didn't have a partner to practice with just my own imagination trying to internalize that i am really talking to a friend or relative and not just a patient. if you treat the sp as such it's automatic for you to give a smile, to wash your hands, to apply proper draping or assist them when necessary because these are the very things that you would do to your own friend or relative to the point of overdoing it.
i hope this helps. l.a. is not bad at all as some would suggest.
when u 'll get the result sheet ,it will tell you everything ...where is weakness...

actually i failed too..and i went for recheck ....because i was not believeing this ..
in recheck they did nothing but taking the individual scores from SP and add them ...that s it...
no video review no re scoring no patient notes check...
so dont go for recheck...
just try to adjust yourself ...I went thru the same situation ...everybody was expecting pass from me ...i had no words to tell everyone that I ve failed...
you know submitting 1200 US$ again counts a lot..
any way
you can contact me via e mail rabia_shahab
I m preparing second time for this exam....we both can talk and encourage each other and also we should find out what mistakes we did ..
practice all cases and ask feed back with friend who has passed
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