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Dr Goljan live lecture in NY - usmlenewyork
these posts say what the world thinks. Falcon is a meager excuse for what kaplan provides. Goljan is great and Falcon was so desparate for recognition they were willing to pay him anything to move from Kap to Falcon. Kap did not seem to care since they have folks that are just as good but not a legend in his own mind like Goljan. I bought his audios they are great, but it is not a reason to pay for all of falcon. USMLE review is individual. If you can do it with USMLE World or Q-bank and just Goljan tapes go for it. A disadvantage of Kaplan live is that you do not always get the best Kap faculty. Falcon fac are all the same but rumor has it- lousy. Falcon believes that just because they are MD's they can teach- WRONG. Be very selewctive about asking what Kap faculty are teaching a live course- make sure that you have the ones with the most experience!!!
At this point I'm willing to try anything, so I'll hit up this Goljan thing if its free. The site says that there's an 'Attaining Residency Seminar' thing too so at least I'll get that out of it as well.

Does anyone know if there's a sample lecture for Kaplan coming up anytime soon? If anyone took Kaplan, what professors do I ask for and can they guaruntee it?

One of my classmates said she got great advice and a study plan by one of the doctors that worked there, Dr Brian (I'm guess thats his first name). I think he's a director. Has anyone else worked with him before?

I do appreciate everyone's input. I know its a lot of questions, but I'd rather get these questions answered now before I mess up on usmle questions later...

The one guy that I would absolutely demand at Kaplan for my live lecture would be Dr Kudrath. He was excellent and a really nice guy as well. Dr Fischer was ok for the part of Physio he taught, but it was more of a Step 2 lecture as that is his specialty. You have to have a thick skin with him, as he can be really crass, but if you can put up with it, you'll never forget it. He was very helpful the one time I asked him a question one-on-one in between breaks. Barone is good too. The other lecturers were 'ok'. There was a professor that everyone was looking for in Biochem, Dr Turco, but he wasnt there for that series. They can't gauruntee lecturers - I had three revised schedules sent to me before my start date and fortunately had Kudrath during my session.

Not sure if there is a sample lecture coming up, but I think they usually post in these forums if there is.

I went to Dr Brian as well and he gave excellent advice. Sat down with me and we figured out a plan that worked with my schedule and my rather short attention span. If he's there, use him, maybe give them a call at their 56th St center and see if he can take an appt with you even if you havent enrolled yet. I sat with another advisor before that, but all he tried to do was upgrade me to a more expensive program.

Hope this helps. I'll be going to the Falcon event to check out the attaining residency and it'll be 2 days after my Step 1 Exam, so if i run into you, would be happy to tell you how the exam was (at least the version i get).

Dr Tom Brown, author of STEP 1 SECRETS, has been added to event - so if you have any questions about what Step 1 is like, he'll be there to answer them for you...stayed tuned for updates on addt'l speakers.
Since the exam changes so frequently, what can this Dr Tom tell us that we do not already know?
Just emailed to RSVP.

Question for usmlenewyork : Do I at least get a free t-shirt for coming? I'm a size Small fyi.

Suture - i'm a newbie to this USMLE thing, so if you know more than this guy that published a book about it, how do I message you with questions? =0P j/k

Seriously though, free t-shirt? yes, no?
i just wanted to say guys thank you very much for this post , im one of these drs that feel lost and failure in their life and all what i need is more confusing .

Everything that is commonly tested on the exam is on this forum or in review books like first aid. This guys "secrets" were obsolete the day they were published. Search this forum for up to date info about the exam.
I just want to tell u guys that I m rightnow in live lectures in Kaplan. And ALL the professors are excellent...excellent...excellent. PERIOD we finished all the sub except patho and micro. rightnow doin pharmac and I cant describe in words how good all the lectures were. and i dont work for (i dont like administrative staff!)
busybee, I was at the lecture at falcon today and it was conducted by Dr. Brian from Kaplan. Apparently he now works for Falcon too.
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