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Legal Residents For Residency - busymomdoc
Action Committee for Legal Residents For Medical Residency

This group to help U.S. Legal Residents to help to get the residency, passed the USMLI Exam and has the certification of UCFMG


YEAH RIGHT! you are more qualified than any double 99 over here

Wowwwww! I am surprised to read your post. Don't you think this country is mostly made by immigrants. 2end, 3rd, 4rth generation? Don't you think even in US nobody give job to an immigrant unless there is a benefit for that? I understand prirority of people who live in this country but there is no need for prejudice! Many scientific achivements are simply brought by immigrants!!!!!
@ busymomdoc
How can I find your group, do you have webside or any other info

Don't quote Darwin, he wasn't an American citizen. As a raging nationalist, you are better served quoting Mark Twain. Or if you want contemporary wisdom, quote Palin, Kardashian or Bachman.
@5pani..... LOL .... " contemporary wisdom, quote Palin, Kardashian or Bachman" ... good one!

ha ha... when the going gets tough, IMGs turn around and start "killing each other"... but you also see it even during IVs.... some despo IMGs acting really aggressive/weird...... lolz

I have research positions available in different states and in different (sub)specialties which include cardiology, endocrinology, pulmonary, surgery, sleep medicine, and neurology. The states include PA, NY, IL, MI, MD and TX at this point. The majority of the positions are in universities, and some of them are in universities that are among the top 10 in the U.S. You can contact me for details.
If you're looking for a different state or (sub)specialty, I can help too. I just need you to be specific and help me understand what you’re looking for.

If interested, contact me at matissiti. Provide some brief info about yourself, your visa status, your USMLE scores, what (sub)specialty, which state, when you want to start and for how long.
In the subject, please mention what you’re looking for. For example: “Endocrine research in Chicago.”

Thank you.
Any body who is interested can go onto the page:
Action Committee for Legal Residents For Medical Residency
Dear friends,

I beleive that our friend here is trying to send a message that we GC/Citizen people have a right to be "integrated" in the american medical field...i mean we have competitive scores, we are highly trained and i think this is a waste of capabilities if we stay here with our families without improving the medical field here...There should be something that does not lead us to work as medical assistants or work in paramedical stuff...

It has nothing to do with NON GC/CITIZEN FMG, which i think they should also be involved in the american medical system...there are a lot of smart and genius competitive doctors and they have all their rights by the american law...Improving the case of American FMG does not contradict the acceptance of nonamerican FMG in programs...It is an issue of civil rights...
and yes there are a lot of people on this forum who are lawful/citizens of USA!!

Best luck for everybody Smile
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