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study at home with one kid - enia
Hi e1,
I have a 2yr old daughter too. She is very precious to me like each child to their parents. My MIL took her, her back home with her, so that I can study well. But I couldnt concentrate atall. I cried. But My MIL was quite detemined than I was & my hubby supported her. Well it saved a lot of money which we had to pay for the daycare. There is lot more to the story. We had lot of fights for bringing her back. Finally my hubby gave in & I went to get her back. Then the real challenge began, she is a very active girl & wouldnt sleep & wouldnt let me do anything. My dear hubby wouldnt say anything & tried to help, but its tough for dads to understand kids I suppose.
Finally I got a Part time job, I work few days & with that money I put her in a Daycare facillity. Now, 1st day she went, i kept looking at the watch to get her back, & kept thinking is she ok, had she eaten anything etc. & i went in the eve to get her cause the day care attendent told me, not to come early to pick her. she has to get used to the thing that my mom drops me here in the mornings & comes back at this hour sameday in the evenings. It was tough- she cried & I cried. Same thing when u leave ur child first time in school & they are scared & they cling on to u. But now she is fine, I am amazed that she has learned so many things there, she is potty trained, she knows names of fruits, veges, & animals etc.& she has lots of friends & so much of self confidence in her now.She knows that this is her & no one is suppose to touch her that way, I was amazed the other day, when i was giving her bath & she said" NO TOUCH me".Then I explained her that its mommy & I have to give u abth or u will stay dirty & then no one will like to play with u. she knows emotions.
I mean there is lot to it. No mom wants to be seperated fm their kids. But when u go to the day care & see so many lil ones are playing & are happy, well behaved, u say why not my kid. Cause finally our lil one has to go & face the world sooner or later. Any bad thing has to happen, may happen right in front of u, if its written in ur destiny. My daughter has fallen sick for a few times, she has fallen in the daycare, but then dont they at home. It gives me 6-7 hrs a day to study- & pure study. & if something is wrong the daycare call me immediately. Belive me its lot better to have her every evening waiting for me to be only with her, as I am contented with my part of studying during the day, she is tired of playing. we have wonderfull evenings together, than just calling her grandparents & asking how is she doing back home?
So, I am in full support of sending the child to a pre-school or daycare if u can afford, JUST MAKE SURE ITS FULLY LEGALISED, HAS AN ECE TEACHER, HAS FIRST AID & CPR.
Hope it helps u to decide & tryout this way to ace ur exams
God Bless u all.
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