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interview in surgery, chance as an FMG ... - hardworkers
you have done your rotation at a CRAPY prgoram and such programs never teach either its IM or GS or FP. How on earth can u generalize things to the whole field as you have EXPERIENCE of a rotation. I have been in surgery and internal medicine for a decent period of time so I have not posted anything like you based on a single clinical rotation.
Politics as you have mentioned is in every field of bad programs so thats not soemthing you could stick to surgery.
It seems like more you were not able to end up in surgery the reason why your trying to justify it here. How much experience do You have about ROUNDS, LOG BOOKS, OR, OUTPATIENT in surgery is pretty much exposed in your messages so plz stop posting misinformation on the forum.
Well if you classify Baylor as CRAPY then thats fine with me.

If you want to become a surgeon at least first learn to patiently listen to other's opinion before you make judgements. How can you even practice a field like surgery if you are not a good listener?

Again, you might be right about some programs. However I seriously doubt if there is any surgical residency program in US that has 2 hour morning rounds. Prove me wrong.
I think all of us have been listening to your statements with alot of patience even when they are biased. If you are trying to prove your statements without any solid background in surgery then do expect some tough replies here.

I have also done an attachment at Baylor so dont say that they dont bother to teach ... have u been to there tumor boards which they do regularly with patho residents and attendings of MD ANDERSON ?? Have u attended the rounds and the very busy trauma OR at methodist ?? Did you have a chance to participate or attend M & M at Baylor ??

My Dear friend when u dont have the insight of any speciality then think twice before posting.

In my own view no speciality is better then other, its your own personal preferences that takes you to a particular speciality.

Good bye for now.
It is the TTU lubbock, TX.

Its interesting to hear your point of view because my experience at Baylor was very surprising.

The usual schedule was:
6:30: pre-round with chief resident.. SOAP check.. usually over in 20 minutes
7:00: scrubbing in the OR
12:00: out for lunch
4:00: students got out of OR..
5:00: if attending not doing a second case, then post-round.. 20 minutes max

Yes M&M... BUT once per month
Boards... once per week (1 hr)
teaching conference/presentation... I had one during 1 month.. only 2 faculty members and chief was present

M&M was useless... you just sit and eat lunch and watch slide as the resident casually eats lunch and presents. there is NO morning report.. no concept of round teaching..

As I said with surgery you learn practically and read in your free time.

To Choc9,

If what u r saying about Baylor is true, ur insight about the specialty of surgery is not keen, but poor. It only says a lot about how wrong ur perception about surgery is. A few months of rotation in a supposed 'bad' surgery program is not representative of surgery as a specialty. If u happen to rotate to a 'good' program, I know u will be enlightened and be kind to the surgical specialty. Please refrain in offering urself an expert on something ur not. Good judgement is expected of us doctors, and to refrain from unsupported insuinations base on anecdotal experiences.
choc9 ....... look at the time table you have describled for Baylor which is totally wrong and does not even fit to any surgery program ..... my dear you have to admit that u have never been to baylor before ..... lolz

Even for cheating you need to have some brain man Smile

your every mesg is full of flaws so as the last mesg ...

Do you know what exactly is an M & M ??? you did not know a thing, the reason why u said "once per month" thats the biggest joke because if there is M & M once in any program then the hospital is definately gonna close down very soon.

You said pre round for 20 mins so where is the round ??? no round ??.......... so you enter into the OR without rounding and pre rounding was enough ??? another joke

12 pm is not the timings of lunch in Baylor for you kind info...

No resident can leave the OR in any program in US unless they have attended all the cases with seniors and vice versa.

If there is no morning report then tell me how would the chief and attending know what the hell happened in the ward last evening and night and at the calls ???

M & M is not a slide show,,, its mortality and morbidity conference where cases are "discussed" its NOT a case "presentation" okk .....

forum is not the place to exhibit you comlexes and deficiencies in life, neither should u mis guide members who need help. The time table you have described in more like the university you have graduated from and now plz dont say that you have graduated from Baylor too.

When I say out for lunch at 12 that means 'students'.. not residents or attendings

I bet you have never been to US. What is M & M? Tell me what you know about M&M.

Tell me the schedule at the hospital you did your surgery rotation?

Show me evidence.
Ppl like you must be ignored so that is what everyone is going to do .... Who do u think u are you to ask me for "evidence" ?? Keep your "expert" opinions to yourself.
If you can read english then i have already described what M & M is.
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