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My exam experience - 29th dec - adrenaline2176
congratulations for finishing the exam and best of luck for ur score.
Happy new year
hey adrenaline, a new member here, am really grateful to you for posting yur experience. i believe yu r a blessin to all of us , i know without any question of doubt that yu will score in the top 90th percentile. thx alot for yur tips and experience, it has given me confidence. i hope to take my exam mid next year not sure of the right books to buy, take care and pls keep us informed
I was touched by ur exam experience.I have just sterted preparatin for the test,can you have me a favor in directing me how to study and which books are of graet benefit.
I will appreciate if you could e-mail me aat juliusubole
Thank you all for ur wishes.....yeah it was indeed a relief to finsih this exam before the end of this year. Believe me...i've been trying to finish this for the past 2 yrs and could get a good stretch of studying goin untill now. Anyway, best wishes for those who r taking it in the near future.

I guess in 2007 the new FRED software is in effect. I liked it....its more helpful with the highlighting and the quick access to lab values. are a legend in this forum...I think they r gonna erect a Statue of you once u Web profile Smile whole enthu for the new year's party has fizzled..I'm so drained out that all I wanna do is just sit at home and watch TV...maybe I'll go out partying a little bit...just a little bit...hehee

I'll post some of the q's soon. In the meanwhile...WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!

Congratulations adrenaline, seems to me that u did very well. wish u a great score..99 in step1.Smile Enjoy ur holidays...HAPPY NEW YEAR.

P.S. adrenaline, u can all me sharkiee Or sharkySmile....that's ok cd is also calling me kind of stuck with this name!!!Smile)
hope u will get a great score...
good luck dear
hey adernaline. i am glad its over with you. i am sure you're gonna ace it. now have fun and enjoy new year. and also please pray for all of us to make it. Good luckSmile
cummon hero! you KNOW u wanna party.. Wink u KNOW u can!!!Smile) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
sharky can i call u sharkyyyyy ??Smile adrenaline..keep in touch (email)
did u take any nbme and if so which one?
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