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passed - pooja07
Congratulatins!!!. I would like to ask you, which books/material did you use for your preparation?,
i wanna use some review books for step3
which one would you recommend among these 3
1)crush 2) B & W 3) fA
congrats n thanks for ure advice please if u cud tell us which books to use
plz post ur ccs here
Sorry for late reply. I did firstaid, skimmed kaplan books for step 3 once, did kaplan q bank superfiially, but concentrated on usmleworld fully, did it thrice, both questions and ccs. Believe me the topics which usmleworld includes only those are concentrated more on real exam as well, but ofcourse they are really hard and vague,so i will suggest that ofcourse to make ur base do kaplan books, step 2 text material and first aid but concentrate more on usmleworld read its explanations carefully again and again, do ccs from uw and those cases from firstaid which are not given in uw. but for ccs i would suggest the same thing again which i said before that don't jump on to the diagonosis instantly and make a set of differential diagonosis in ur mind and go on to a final diagonosis by ruling out each one of them one by one by investigaions, physical exam etc. and ofcourse stabilise the patient first then do a detailed physical or other investigations, even if u have figured our the diagonosis at once with symptoms than also do exclude other important differentials by doing investigaions or detailed physical, but on the other hand don't waste much time on useless investigations and go for invasive investigations only when u r damn sure that u really need it to do which is rarely required and read uw ccs carefully u have go like that exactly, in the real exam for cases and ccs. just for an example if u get a child with fever and projectile vomiting, with no mass on abdominal examination, still although the diagonosis is pyloric stenosis u don't have to jump onto the usg straightaway for the diagonosis, but also rule out other differnetials for fever and vomiting like get urine culture, blood culture and chest xray etc. also done and if they come out to be negative go onto usg and con firm the diagonosis and also stabilize the patient first for any electrolyte imbalance etc before referring him for surgery, and for thast u have to admit him in the ward first. I hope u got my point.

For shaher's c.d. it is worth to do it once, as format is exactly the same in the real exam but it is a power point presentation, but still u get a hang of it that how things go in the exam, but if u don't have it then also it is ok, i think u can take a hang of the ccs from the ecfmg cd also, just randomly type the words for any random case and u will cum to know that which word or what to be typed in the real exam to order any test etc.

I hope u got my point. But believe me mcqs are really vague, what all can improve ur score is the ccs only, i think which happened to me as well.

Good luck to u all.
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