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Olympic Torch in India!! - luismora
lusimora is Indian don' waste time on her/him.
what the hell is wrong with me admiring indian people>???
Who understands people on this forum if you talk bad its the worst and if you say good things its bad too.
I love indians!!
They are great people !!
And there men are hot and sexy!!!
Luismora you need to be modest in your work every country has its bit of problems in certain parts for your information india is also the fastest growing economy in the world.It is the most colorful nation. It has its problems but then which country dosent. so it is you who needs to grow up. Aquire some knowledge.
You are not admireing any one. You are just highlighing a negative point about India you are in no way talking about the greatness of India. nisam is also not being disrespectful about tour country and is stressing about a certian fact about your country.
First of all, I don't understand why the defensive posture against luismora here, she or he is just stating that like india and the culture, why people attack him/her? . As well I disagree with the comments made by Nisam I believe that hi need to read more about world situation, if he believe that Venezuela is the mayor drug abuser in the world, the he is full of crap and don't know a SH*&t about reality, please nisam clear your eyes today with a cotton swab not full of sh*&t.
hey tupak i disagree with you and all the crap you are talking.
this forum is funny , i havent disrespected or made fun of anyone and these people get hostile. In about 2 weeks im traveling to India for a health campaign purpose and Im excited. Also the Olympic torch is in India today and these people just get pissed off!!
Whoever got offended I dont give a shit! I didnt say anything disrespectful!
Hey tupak this is for you from the web:

US Drug Report Stresses Problems in Venezuela
By David Gollust
State Department
01 March 2007

The U.S. State Department's annual report on illicit drug trade worldwide, issued Thursday, said Afghanistan's opium production hit a record high last year while there was backsliding on anti-drug efforts in Venezuela and Bolivia. Iran's counter-narcotics efforts were commended. VOA's David Gollust reports from the State Department.

So for your information Venezuela HAS the worst drug addictin problem in the world, so i guess it is you who needs to read about world situation.

ok rsy you should expose your facts more clear and with more evidence to make us believe that venezuela is the World largest ABUSER of drugs in the world. Just one question rsy where they state that venezuela is the world largest drug abuser in your post? maybe I'm getting blind because my eyes don't like to look at sh*&t all the time. I didn't see it anywhere in your post or in any news though. Anyway let me show you the reality of this world with FACTS and EVIDENCE and the winner is:

USA: world's largest consumer of cocaine, shipped from Colombia through Mexico and the Caribbean; consumer of ecstasy and of Mexican heroin, marijuana and methamphetamine

I rest my case.....

thanks svs and rsy and others. tupak, i think your question has already been answered above. but quite strangely, you sound like another old friend of mine! you even misspell my name as 'nisam', exactly the way he/she used to do! or may be i'm just being nostalgic! never mind
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