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Am I being selfish? - doc0079
I think you should continue and when you will succeed, everyone will salute you...
till then, hang in there and good things will happen, there is light at the end of every tunnel...
you have to pass through the tunnel...matter if good time and bad time is permanent...
neither good nor bad...and don't keep hard feelings for in laws's all in relation to bad time in life....
but be I am telling again & again,
research/publication per se does not help for getting in to residency..
but try to develop good relations with mentors and that can get you matched...
even though you will have 100 publications, that won't give you residency...
it is totally unpredictable for ppl like us who needs luck...
struggle is more, when scores are low, old graduate.....
only way, I would suggest you is do research/obsei in a small program, that can directly absorb you..I mean a program, which is FMG friendly, do not need high scores...blah blah blah..
show your hard work,sincerity to them and they will take you...
if you are trying for peds, I can give you a list of some places.....
@steventailor : MPH- Master of Public Health.. needs GRE to get into one of the public health schools..
try miami children hospital next year because many IMGs i met in this forum matched there.
@matched09 thnx for lightening.
a few helpful words
Instead of an MPH I would suggest getting an observership at a coomunity hospital that takes people with similar creds. But if you could do both as MPH does not really take much of your time, that would be the best way to go.
But observership is the best way forward, and by oberservership I mean in a hospital with a residency program.
Thanks for great advice Gujupeds! You are right if you dont build contacts no matter how many research you have...actually whatever research I got had very less contact with prinicipal investigator. I need to be more focued on my experience...feeling like all I wasted 2 years..but will I have to learn from past ..Can you please email me list at doc0079.
Thanks, howard_roark...unfortunately in my area most of the residency programs are not IMG frindly and other are not low score friendl and I can not afford to move to other area.But I will try to get observership to have experience in primary care.Thank you !
The other way to look at residency might be to look at broadening your preferances. Have you considered psychiatry? Most people are afraid of Psychiatry, but i think its good option rather than not being a doctor at all.
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