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A cold, calculated approach to ranking..... - babyaspirin81mg
I dont want to be drawn into this argument,but yes,there are more lucrative fields than medicine,but the truth that some of us never accept is:the salary package is part of job satisfaction, it may be in terms of working for lesser hours for less pay or longer hours for reasonable huge pay.I dont think many people will willingly sign a contract with a program that pays 20,000 per annum and the residents work 80/week,it sure will be demoralizing.And moreover there is no harm in one making a choice about life,so please let us not judge people when they ask about pay,it is still part of job satisfaction,some people are being maintained in the US by family funds,and they will not get back to their families with these "they are serving humanity",moreover your family is part of humanity,and you have to love yourself first before you can love humanity.
Good luck baby aspirin, probably next year med-psych will be very-very competitive, thanks to your post Wink
Duke university is very prestigious hence I'm not surprised that you seem impressed by the way they conduct the program there.......GL!

i see no reason why babyaspirin shld not be allowed to ventilate his feelings....
afterall he's one of the v. few who even has any hope of matching-spare a thought for
the dozens on this site with no single intv!..after spending abt $5,000 so far!!...and for the hundreds with >10 intvs who wld eventually end up with no residency!!!
i also disagree with those who try to oversell the humanistic flavour to our chosen profession.
i will not serve patients slavishly for 2 decades only to be sued down to my pants on the 3rd.
in the U.S,the medical field is cruel to its doctors and u need to drop all these 'humanistic' garbage be4 u leave mumbai/karachi so u can play the game by its rules...u need to make enough money so that u can settle the litigation in future(god forbid)!
..and don't even start comparing ur expected wages to that of the premiership player-that's the way the cookie crumbles.d'you know how many so called future basketball stars are now wasting away in the slums of brooklyn with never-to-be-actualized potentials?for every michael jordan,there are thousands of kids who fail to break through...but chances are that if u started med schl,u wld become a doc!...and these lads envy u because u can look fwd to a pension!...meanwhile,one horrible injury and their careers are over...with no gratuity.
pls,pple,lets not be too simplistic in analyzing these issues.
Well it gives me goosebumps to read all this not bcz i donot 100% agree with what you are saying or bcz babyaspirin shouldnot have expressed whatever was in his mind,I will say again that is his right to express whatever he feels like or strives for.It is my personal opinion and I really have just no right to judge someone.I am just not able to understand,is it just me who just have the opinion that this field is not that a good sales man thing.If that is the thought behind the hardwork,to earn money and save your future,then there are easy ways to do that.If a doctor doesnot have the passion to work for his profession and all he thinks about is how to increase the number of patients in his practice..then what is the difference between a doctor and someone from the categories mentioned above?I am into the system,I am exposed to it everyday..and I am a patient too and a doctor as well.I just think on the basis of a patient's perspective.When a person is sick and goes to a hospital for someone to actually take care of his misery,and the doctor who at that point has the power,the knowledge to actually treat that man,I mean how can that all be so insensitive and mechanical.You wont treat a patient bcz he will sue you or bcz he cant pay u big?
May be its just my way of thinking,but really I know people who actually talk to me and they are BIG BIG doctors,not IMGs but americans.But guys,these people have a heart for the profession.They love their jobs.Here if a person is just a maintanance guy,he will love his job.I AM TALKING ABOUT THE PASSION,THE LOVE to serve humanity and be a good doctor.If these doctors at MD anderson can treat a patient with having the knowledge that this patient may not even pay for the treatment ,these guys sitting there are earning hell but the way they treat me,the way they love me,that passion to challenge the cancer your patient has,that passion to free a person of his pain...I mean when my doctor talks to me,just his words are enough to keep me going the whole day...
If you all have these idiology about this profession,how are u people actually bring that passion in your skills man!!!then what is the difference between a computer doing the surgery vs a human..a patient for you is then just a source of income..but sorry to say he is not.and guys this pb is may be with we IMGs only.Honestly if I was not in the system ,I would have never pointed it out.But its ok you talk about money too.I am not neglecting the fact that money is important but as a patient who has to go through all that pain and agony,my doctor is my only hope and I AM JUST CONFUSED THAT IF MY DOCTOR HAS THE POWER TO LITERALLY DRAG ME TO APOINT WHERE HE MAKE ME FIGHT BACK,COULD MONEY BE THE MOTIVATION STRONG ENOUGH FOR HIM TO COME TO ME AND TELL ME'WE WILL FIGHT BACK AND YOU ARE NOT GONNA GIVE UP'.I mean if he is thinking about the thousands of dollars he will be earning from my treatment,why would he bother to even talk to me.He should just come in the room,give me the treatment and leave like an insensitive robot.
Guys these are the things we should learn and I always start from me.These people teach their children not to ever lie no matter what advantage it could bring them.These people teach their children to love others.There are so many people ,not from us,who earn a lot and they give to others.I mean who could be more insensitive than BILL GATES.But guys even he never talks like us.And about suing our pants off,micheal jackson was released from all charges of molestation bcz court thought he is being used for financial benefits.I mean that is not the justification to be insensitive.
again that is my point of view.I may be joining a highly paid field myself,but when comes to serving humanity and treating my patients,I will go with the same innocense I had when I joines medical school..and the same innocense when I used to tell people as a kid that 'i will become a doctor'.I am really surprised to see a whole new side of this concept.
Hi baby asprin,
thanks a lot
pls can u cancel st. francis evanston and st josephs IM pls.
Typical Indian genius kid who cries all the time...u remind me of that baby aspirin coz i have met a lot genius kids during my life be at high school or med school...u r nothing just attention seeker..period!!
no doubt u have good credentials..good interviews but believe me there r lot of people with even better credentials than u with better interview calls than u..i met some of them during one of my interviews..they just dont brag abt it..they have double 99's like u plus electives in US like u...i don't understand y u keep crying abt making money or like in one of ur posts u said u were broke coz u applied to so many programs...whose fault is that?? no body twisted ur arm to apply to so many programs...
first of all when u say u dont have enough money..i don't agree...reasons...u said u have done electives in average IMG can afford to do that as it costs abt 4000$-5000$ to do an elective for a month in one can afford to apply to as many programs as u have done if one does't have enough money..n if u did without having that much money then u r out of ur mind...dont cry ..u make it sound like u r the only one in debt..poor me...poor me else would one get observerships n research in US without "right Contacts"...I doubt if u need H1b or not coz i think most of ur family is settled in US so probably u have GC too..u r just trying to gain sympathy from people by telling them u need VISA too n trying to show other people that u r the best..u know wat u can kiss my a-ss...people on these forums will always hail who have good credentials n interviews like has been going on for years...but personally i dont think anyone gives a sh-it what u r doing..
just pray that we don't cross paths coz the day i see u gonna give u mah size 12 up there where the sun don't shine...good luck n dont try to psychoanalyse me..keep ur sh-it to urself. n dont think im jealous coz i have 35 interviews too...its just that i dont brag abt it.
another funny aspect of all the replies...
some of the blogs address you baby aspirin as He/His....
am a bit all of them know that ur a male....
or....are they just subconsciouly or consciously saying that such a well thought out analysis can not be a conception of a female mind...sexism...
have to acccept though, that such a well though out plan and details...has to come from a smart person....GL
thats something worth changing the topic hereSmile..well guys this discussion was a healthy discussion.Instead of fighting like dogs over which nation is better than the other,I guess this GUESS GUESS game is good.
I guess I am a female,florin is a female,crypto is a male,uzma is a male,mc is female,bourbon is the tough guy,and obviously haldene was a male last night but a nice dumb oneSmile.and yes babyaspirin has a typical 'who gives two sh*ts about passion and humanity man!!''Smile..and if a girl then not my type buddy.
I think Baby aspirin is justified - if we are all into 'serving' - why not jst serve back in our own coutries which really us ? We would argue - we need better education - then why not take J1 visas - do our MDs and get back to our countries ?

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