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Any gay male study partners for step 1? - superhero
I don't understand one thing.....

HOW CAN YOU BE GAY???? How the F**K can u feeling for same sex.....?

Please friends ,

Focus on your studies!

There are many theories out there for why people are gay. One of them is that it might be genetic. I'm sure we've all heard of the gay gene. Regardless, nobody knows for sure.

I just think its unfair of us to judge. We don't have to agree with someone's choices or even understand them, but we should respect their right to live life in a way that makes them happy. You are "kind"md after all...the kindness shouldn't stop here ;-)
i bet ur are gay too cos u knw somuch of gay gene and hw good a lifestyle it is.
my point is this,i dont care if u are gay,heamaphrodite,atheist or point is u shld not bring such nasty discussion on this forum.or better put;pls BADAM can u be my sexual partner?????????????
@ kindmd
i think they need psychiatric beats my imagination hw a man will be attracted to a
a fellow man.......uh
there is nothing wrong with asking for a gay study partner but it seemed as if he was looking for a significant other when he said "be more talkative about things that they cant really say in front of other people".. like what? how disgusting vaginas can be? since there are more straight people in this world than homosexuals, this was a normal response that would be seen on any forum including a medical one.. maybe there are more ignorant people in this world as well including myself i guess
WOW..YOU GUYS are are so pathetic. You want to come to the US and practice medicine? I don't think it will be possible for you. Ofcourse you haven't heard or known anything about LGBT communities in the US.
SO many docs are gay, lesbians and whatever. You can't judge people around you. So the day your colleague or ur best friend tells you he or she is gay, you're gonna be shallow and disgusting like this?
I didn't ask for a sexual partner. I asked for for someone with the same sexual orientation. OMG I can't believe people like you are going to be the future of medicine in the US. Well, I hope, on this note, that the US will stop sponsoring IMG's for residencies. I see that happening with the number of new med schools opening here. But cut me slack people, you wanna be docs?
You study about HIV in ur texts? Did you read at what pace HIV is increasing in India and other south asian countries and it's mostly in heterosexual people. I think you are disgusting to just even think that and just be so biased and saying being gay means getting HIV. I really hope people with negative thoughts won't be allow to study in the US. You are guys are gonna kill patients with HIV or someone gay or lesbian. OMG i'm scared. I am actually gonna create a blog about this posting your comments about gay people.
Chupa, like I mentioned above, I am straight but the fact that you are calling me gay despite reading that probably means you are trying to insult me. For the record, I'm not insulted. There is nothing wrong with being gay and all that comment does is show your ignorance.

I have had gay professors, classmates, friends, etc. Maybe the difference is that I was born/raised in the states so I've had more exposure to gay people but that lack of exposure is no excuse for such judgmental behavior. Anyway, everyone is entitled to their opinion so I'm not going to say anything more about this.

Metooutoo1 and SuperHero- I'm really saddened by the reaction you guys have gotten here but just know that there are plenty of people like me out there who could care less if you are gay/straight/bi/etc. Your sexual orientation is your business.
@superhero cum metooutoo1

u ve already started manifesting ur double personality....shame on u
for ur info,i am an img but a citizen of this country,born and bred here but sent back to mother
land to study med so i live in uptown chicago and spent more than 6hrs today in a gay community on clark street visiting a straight i know all abt gay men and the resent court case of a college student that committed suicide bcos his rmmate videoed him kissing a guy.we knw and see people like u dly but pls dont pollute this forum with ur nasty life style
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