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I am not sure what is reason for my rejection - drnewyork1
Plz don't go on commenting that people with good. Scores have low interview skills and vice versa bcoz usually they do have both except for very few people.interview skills and all the other qualities cannot be judged in a single instance or letter.
They do have criteria for rejections. You were rejected - you did not meet the criteria!
@shreeja im not saying that people with high scores have low interview saying that there are various factors and a high score doesnt gaurantee a match just as a low score doesnt gaurantee no match. Once you are offered an interview, you are on even playing field as other people invited for interview and the major factor is how well you give an interview by the American standard. And as for getting interviews, the selection committee knows that low scores doesnt mean a bad physician and high scores doesnt mean a great physician and they do take chances with low scores as well as long as they have other factors in their resume.
You are missing the main point which is, scores or individual factors dont tell you if you will match or not...the overall package does. This is my 3rd match...ive seen PLENTY of high score people with no interview skills that do not match and low score poeple that talk their way into matching. I've also obviously seen high score people match and low score people not match.
Bottom line: nothing is a sure thing. Just have to do good in everything you can and hope for the best and prepare for the worse.
What u s@id is obviously right.all the best for ur match
To me , good score means only one thing. That you are a good test taker. But, does it mean you know how to apply your knowledge? I don't know. Does it mean you are good clinician? I don't know. Does it show your strong interest to practice medicine? I don't know. So, I hope the most PDs think like that
the problem might be either with LORs or personal statement. Otherwise the main criteria is a score. Applicants have to get interview first in order to get their good or bad interview skills expressed. Why do scores matter? Because PDs don't want to have headache of their residents not passing exams during residency. People with lower scores might have knowledge and apply the knowledge but might have bad test taking techniques.
Too many AMGs, oh wait some on here do not believe that :/

sorry disagree there are plenty of people who meet the criteria that will be rejected! in fact most people meet the criteria in these programs thats why its so vague how selections are made!!
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