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Outcome of refusing a pre match.. - morris81
since we do not know what those programs are u have to decide it for urself.....anyway best of luck!
@Necker...dude if you dont mind me asking what are ur credentials? and did u match last year?
does PD know your ranking order list before the match day?

the PDs knowing ROL...that sounds a bit scary, specially if you are making your ROL way too early. Solution: Make your ROL but certify and submit only the last day..

Thanks for the encouragement. BTW I have decided to NOT go for the prematch.

Does any one have a sample letter to deny a prematch?

they know where you matched after the match, but they don't know how you ranked them.


my match was five years ago. I do log in from time to time and try to help based on my prior experience with the match (which has not significantly changed) and my current experience with the US medical system. You can probably find some old posts of mine on the archives or using the search tool and my credentials are somewhere in there already. But, in summary there are 89/99, USCE for five months (hands-on), US LORS.


it is a different situation from last year, but i certainly understand your dilemma. unfortunately, nobody here or elsewhere have the right answer for you. it is a very personal decision based on your personal current situation and expectations.

good luck

i may have my previous emails somewhere. once i get to a computer i can look it for you (i am using a tablet right now and multitasking is kind of hard).

good luck.

Here is what we wrote to one of the programs. We basically stated that we decided not to accept a prematch offer beforehand, that we liked the program, etc. Since we were applying as a couple, we used that as part of the argument. You just need to find your own set of arguments I guess. Anyway, here is what we wrote:

"It is a real honor to be considered by your program. At this point, with just a few interviews left in this season, Cooper Hospital is definitely among our top choices, and we don't foresee any major changes in this status by the end of our interviews. Unfortunataly, due to a previous agreement between us, we will be unable to accept your offer today.

Just because of the fact that we are applying as a couple, any decision is more difficult. Before starting the interview season, we were aware of the possibility of a prematch position and, after thinking about it for a long time, we agree that the best option for us is to go for the Match, regardless of any prematch offer we might receive. This is the agreement mentioned above and, as we said, it was made even before sending our applications.

We must admit that although our decision in this matter was definite, your offer was really tempting and this is why we needed to think about it for a few days. But, ultimately we decided to keep our initial agreement. As we said, the reason behind this decision are purely related to our couple status, and the complexity that this issue brings to the final ranking list.

Let us insist in the fact that we both liked the Cooper Hospital Internal Medicine program very much. Although we don't plan to make any final ranking before the end of the interview season, your program is definitely among the very best programs we had visited, and it will be an honor to match and work in it. We really enjoyed our visit to your program and it was a pleasure meeting with you and your faculty. But, again, our decision is totally unrelated to this fact, and we hope that you still be interested in us for a residency position when arranging your final ranking order list.

Thank you again for your offer and we are really sorry for any inconvenience our decision may bring to you. We look forward to hearing again from you in the near future.


Hope this helps.

Thanks a million.
It is certain that I have to use a different argument as I am not even married ..Smile , but I get the gist of what you have written here, and will format my letter accordingly.
morris81, so this is your second application year? Obviously, there is no right or wrong answer. If I were you, I would rather be safe than sorry considering your visa situation (unless the program offering you a prematch is FM at Jackson Park in Chicago--probably the worst of the worst).

Just go for the PM!!! Good feed back is not a thing at all. A lot of things happen between interviews and match.
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