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I hate myself now - mustdoit
Totally agree with Mr.Reddy
Most of the replies here are not posiible practically...I bet on this....
May be a rare situation like Arundhati described...but not always.....

And U will support your husband if he wants to study.....and you will earn....
what will you do If you have just MBBS which has no significance here and You dont have a work permit....dont look at the life with all the imaginations...try to be practical...and think practical....
I posted my problem here Coz I wanted some encouragement for my study...

I dont know why you guys blaming all the husbands....Once you get married you will remember all my words..Pals who are born and brought up in USA...I am not talking abt them....
I am talking about a conservative traditional Indian girl...
Even our parents also dream about our future ...and guide us in that way....
sometimes we are left with no choice.....

all these fire cracking answers are not at all possible....
we have to earn and plan a bright future for our children too...that needs lot of work...
so Life is all about adjustment, planning and going along with each other....

And I already mine is not a love mrg to understand and see the inside of person first...

@ arundhati

will your parents prefer to see their daughters life with a clerk r doctor r engineer...
come out of cinematic imaginations see the real life....
if you wanted that kind of ecouragement you should asked for it anyways here is my practical solution for your problem.

Firstly desice that you would be a doctor dont start demoralizing yourself saying you enever wanted to be one, actually if think deeper it is not being a doctor you dont like but you dont like the hardwork, you hate working towards it.

let me tell you something every profession lokks rosy from outside but every profession needs lot of hardwork, some are easy to get in for example a construction worker but it is every hard to do the job on a daily basis.

My advice go to a hospital and rotate for sometime you would know what are you missing, the idea of helping people, the buzz of hospital, the feeling of being important etc tec you would love it.

learn to love medicine, out of 100 people at least 80 of them must have regretted for taking medicine because of the hard work you need to put in.
I wanted to be in the army all my life my dad made me a doctor, now i love being a doctor it is a very noble profession, unless you love it for what it is and if money fame is guiding force you would never be happy in this.

stop degrading yourself you did it once, you can do it again the only thing missing is moral boost and interest in what you want to do, if goal looks beautiful and attractive you would do your best to get it,, so dream how you would feel after doing your residency how happy your hubby would feel etc etc.

motivate yourself positively.

good luck


If you want to stuyd then sit down and stuyd...this is achievable..This is a Journey where you come acros different conditions like depression for a bit and USMLE bipolar disorder Smile...But you need to train yourself to be strong enough to cross that barrier if you comeover that you will see yourself in a good position wityh this exam.
Stop thinking abiout the past and stop telling yourself that you cant cram those books....You can do it.
When you study study with the love for the profession but not for money and children and everything else...thinking about all that stuff is cinematic.Stuyding for other things sounds as if you are sacrifising whic we commonly see in Indian Movies:p...If you study mechanically it will be a very hard journey.
You really dont have to sit for long hrs but m,ake sure as long as you are studying you are stuyding with good concentration.Do Uworld questions and study kap and FA.
When yiou are cooking and stuff listen to Goldjan lectures....Everything will be k
All Izz Well Wink
Goodluck Lady
sorry to say this but in your post I saw you compare yourself with cousins and friends whio arre already settled...stop thinking in tht way that kind of thinking itself is a big barrigate for your studying.
Sit down and think for a while calm your brain and look for the best in this...If they are happy now you will also be happy later.Being happy is impoortant.Life is short live to the fullest of it that doesntmean being happpy comparing ourselves with others happiness.
Study happily and you will see the success pretty soon.You already mentioned you were a topper so you can do it again but you need to put all those things aside.
I'm sorry if i was rude ...didntmean to be but was needed
Sorry again
hey Reddy
Was wondering if i could get some last round prep advice from you....raj.nandanoor is my skype id ...Dr.Dheeraj2727 is my email.
Thanks in advance for the help.
I agree drd9999 It actually boosts me too, I went through all that once in my life and joined a Phd program soon i realized I wanted to be a docter I am more inteligent then many profesors out there and I hated not being with patinets, I left it and now I am doing everything to get my life back. my eng friends earn more than me, many of my medicine firends already doing residency, but who cares I have atleast 30more yrs after all my life is my life .

i am telling you all this to motivate you, there is a site called hypnosis download it is good download what you want it gives you lot of motivation.
i gave lot of prep advice on the forum you are most welcome too you can mail me at reddy704, i will come back in few min.
Thank you Reddy .Appreciate your help
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