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Legal Residents For Residency - busymomdoc
Why so serious? I believe neither local IMGs nor distant IMGs will win. With new and expanding US med schools, pumping fresh grads, the door is closing for us. We are on the same Titanic, guys.
i agree with redcat, being an IMG and no residency is turning from pretty A@#$^%! bad to M^&$% F#$!#**% worse situation presently. Oh well you know, it happens...
I disagree. Expanding population, massive geriatric population, and America's desire to have the best = IMGs will be needed. Tougher yes, but this is no sinking ship.
Last thing before I go out and live a little:

the American IMGs here who think they deserve better, what do you have to say to the many US medical school grads who think you're inferior for going to a foreign school? You're battling the wrong crowd here. They take the top residencies and leave many intelligent and capable folk here (FMGs) fighting in forums over who deserves a community FM program more: the citizen FMG or non-citizen FMG. You will forever be in a 'lower class' for being an FMG in the eyes of many.

We're like 10 poor people fighting over who deserves the slice of bread more, when we should be fighting why there is only one slice to go around. Don't diminish yourselves.

Fight that mentality, not passport status.

"We're like 10 poor people fighting over who deserves the slice of bread more, when we should be fighting why there is only one slice to go around. Don't diminish yourselves.

Fight that mentality, not passport status."

@Houstonpass: I am a born us citizen IMG just for your information. However I dont think I am superior to anyone just based on that fact alone like you seem to suggest. I never mentioned anywhere in my post that I thought I was superior to a non-citizen just based on my citizenship. I dont understand why you are displaying such malice towards me and automatically assuming that I feel superior to anyone which is clearly not the case. As to your idea that you can somehow be stripped of your US citizenship if you are not born here. I happen to find that claim has no legal backing. Please look up the laws and the constitution of the united states of america. You cannot be stripped of citizenship once it is granted to you. You dont have to believe me just go research it thoroughly yourself and you will find that I am correct in this regard. Again let me be clear, by refuting your claims I am not trying to show superiority over you as you might think. I am simply defending myself against your accusation that I think I am superior to anyone. My purpose is not to "fight" anyone else on this forum. My purpose was to engage in intelligent discourse since I thought doctors were intelligent intellectuals capable of reasoning. Perhaps I was wrong in this regard due to the rancor being displayed towards me just for holding a different opinion.

@5pani: I dont hold anything against other IMGs personally just because of their visa status. In fact I wish there were enough spots for all capable IMGs to get the specialty of their choice.
@vaniquish : i dont feel like going back through ur posts but u did say something along those lines. 2nd of all, I know Kara Hartzler personally (she is an immigration expert in Arizona) and I just confirmed this with her. A naturalized citizen can be stripped of thier citizenship. (not for no reason ofcourse) but it happens all the time. In fact there is an ICE unit dedicated solely for that.

Either way , good luck to you on the match.

(incase you dont believe me)
and I can almost bet you won't apologize for so boldly calling me out on what I said

Either way, its friday night and Ill be dammed if I spend my night arguing on this forum.
One more thing, why did you live in this country for only 10 years then? You went to medschool when you were 10?
Doctors, fighting with each other is non productive,
instead of we should be helping each other and lobbying with the government for more residency positions, so that you will have less chance having a line of newly insured patients waiting outside your office to see you 24/7 in a couple of years. Join "Residency Ready Physicians" on USMLE Forum

And for those raised in foreign countries, without proper morals and attitudes for a doctor, I will nor fight with you and this will be my revenge
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