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Observership / externship in California - usmleprincess
Hi guys
Thanks for the great information.
Does anyone have any idea about the acceptance of IMGs into residency programs in the states (in general) and CA (in particular) who graduated more than 5years from medical school?
Thanks a lot!
Its tough but not impossible. CA residency program is more competitive.
Dont give up.
Do you know how I can get a Social Security Number ? Can I get one if I do an observership ? I live in France , I am ECFMG certified , no visa , no US experiences. I need a SSN to get a PTAL to have a chance to get a residency position in CA . Thank you to answer me .
Best regards
@armelle, obtaining SSN is not that easy. You need GC or working visa. Looks like there is no way you can get SSN
OK ! Thank you for your answer . If i come for 3 months for an observership with a visa J1 , can I apply for a SSN at the same time ? Thank you again , I appreciate your support because I feel lost ! ah!ah!
Hello Guys,

Did anyone do an externship with Dr Roger Washington recently and if so how was it? Is it worth going there? Please can anybosy give some input.

Thanks in advance
hi ,
i live in california and i am also looking for observershp in IM or Pediatrics in CA.please help me.
thank you
Thank you pantoush.
I did externship at Roger Washington's Clinic in California. Its a hands on clinical experience.
I was very much helpful to me. I was assured to be given strong LOR.
I came to know previous externs of Dr Washington also matched.

I would like help others & wants to say anyone looking for externship in California ( santa clara) its really helpful
Thanhx again pantoush for your help.
Hey usmleprincess

Thanks for your acknowledgement
All the best in your future endeavors

Moreover if anyone want any further information or have any querries regarding observership/externship in CA, feel free to post question.
I would love to help
hey pantoush i need help with ptal?
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