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Post embarrassing behaviors of IMGs during IV - drbhatti
This thread might seem a bit prejudicial, but the content is right on the mark and some of these behaviors are more embarrassing for us, the imgs in the vicinity of the perpetrator, than they are for Americans around. I met an Indian guy; nice, courteous and didn't seem a stereotype at first but started asking questions around when we were sitting waiting for our interviewers to call us. Asked me where my next iv was and I, unsuspectingly, told him the place, the place being a so called mega uni , not so IMG friendly,program which granted me the IV because I did my masters from the Uni and worked with some of the profs who recommended me. Innocuous enough isn't it? Not for my guy. He flipped out. He was this double 99er and a step 3 90 something and did his MPH from a small midwestern uni and had like 22-23 IM ivs, had already been to 9-10 and was not offered prematch from any of those and he unabashedly asks me, in front of all applicants, why I was called for an iv even when I don't have 99s and he wasn't when he was certainly more qualified than me!! That was the word he used, ' qualified'! I couldn't believe myself. Then he started whining about how he wasn't offered a prematch on his trail and some xyz, who didn't have his awesome scores, was offered and how this was unfair to someone like him and blah blah blah. This is insane. This is a sort of prototype competition obsessed IMG robot who creates stereotypes. I just had to let it go because any response would put me at his level in that environment.

he made a fool of himself
am laughing my head of here.omg.99ers take it easy.its not all about scores.u should have a smooth personality and be a team player.

i feel img are suffering a lot and as a result desperate.
i am an img and didnt get any in/v however this thread has put some humour into it
i heard A FEMALE applicant brushed a PD with her 2nd to 6th and 4th intercostal and the PD swiftly had a sympathetic surge.

pls lets take it easy on PDs ,they are humans
I heard a MALE applicant brushed a female PD with his clearly sympathetic surge to impress her.

The PD being a human played it down so far...
I can't believe some of the replies here, please don't be hard on my spelling, I don't feel like putting much effort here...

Worst things I have seen and heard
- a guy in the resident's dinner party drank, literally drank the cheddar cheese dip! he thought it was a soup, even though i told him, twice!
- also, same story written above, one applicant flipped out because one iv I had, and he made a comment in front of everybody so... what is it that you have??
- U miami, one middle east applicant stand up in front of everybody and said to the program director: Dr. whatever, I just wanted to tell you that even though I'm not latin, i really like latin music.... I mean, c'mon........
- Lack of use of deodorant Confused... please use it!

That's all I can think right now, but im pretty sure I have
vacant_planet...a good example...

I must have met the same guy...seriously...


thanks for this post...hmmmmm thanks to the middle eastern guy's behavior as it opened my eyes for sure....

although I am not Latin I love Latin music I have chance in Miami?

i am not Chinese but I love Chinese food and men, can I impress a Chinese PD with that?

I am not a psych patient myself but I love psychiatry...should I say that too to a PD?

another example of IMG who behave badly:

A male (lets skip his ethnicity after all we know he is a male for conversation sake!) guy texts to this beautiful female applicant whole night to ask if she can not sleep too because of the IV stress!!!! next day, he asks her in front of everybody why she did not reply to his text messages whole nite, now he is so tired!!!
pahology, I love chinese food too, but it was the sucking up I was referring.. it was like a desperate loud shout for notice to the pd...
I mean, i love chinese, I love indian food but Im not gonna stand up in front of everybody and say hey hi, hello I'm xxx and I wanted to tell you that I love xxx food. So out of place....
I posted his ethnicity so you all could understand the post..
I know girl....the sucking up goes all the time...

dont you worryy...Smile))

the other day I was thinking about your photo frame decorations...I am still there laughing...

have a good day..
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