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My exam experience ! - kaizer
basicq good to see you too , great vacation in Paris I saw friends and family I didnt see for years , visited Le musée du louvre , (Le louvre museum) an many other popular spots it was great , I really enjoyed my trip , thanx
1-Not alot of graphs but lot of arrows pointing up and down most from physio
2-almost not tested had just I guess four or six Qs about stat , they were about P-value, do not skip stat , they were easy to answer
3- yep I guess three Q about rat experience , genetic stuff , very weired Qs I guess those were test Qs (do not count )
4-som question but very few about molecular bio
That what I was the most afraid of , being not able to sleep the day before , since I was in Paris so I took a one hour hike, which tired me enough to catch some sleep ,I took a hot shower and ate well , took a PPI before going to bed , think about something pleasant and you'll definitely sleep like a baby , I didnt take any sleeping pill c
cause of the well known amnestic side effect .
take a good breakfast and be motivated
I hope it helped
almost forgot , I took a PPI in the morning B4 the exam as well.
aric HIGH YIELD audio is a summary of Kaplan DVDs I found them accidentally while surfing on the net a long time ago I think in 2005 , they are 2004 edition , they contain plenty of condensed informations , 70 hours of audio with slides for each subject .
I dont know if you can find them on Kap website . how you can get them , sincerely I have no idea .
So it is Audio , not dvd ? So again ,slides ?? thanks , appreciate your response
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