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Kakarot the rat - rh60484
And thanks for this rat trap thread rh60484 ...... like a rat @kakarot could not resist but take a nibble at the cheese and ...... cowabunga ....... SNAP Smile Smile
Wow. So many inconsistencies. We could go on and on poking holes in this story till we get a sieve to filter all the confusion......Kakarot might be telling the truth though.......

Damn, can't wait for match day! I am too idle!
Ha ha - this thread keeps getting better and is pure entertainment ..... starring kakarot as "liar liar"

@doctornew: How are you? Why are you embarrassed to use your regular ID why this new one??
@kakarot, looks like the mystery is getting solved. Rabies, njcspartner, rh60484, finger, and shore have one thing in common. All of them posted something against Indians.
njcspartner claimed herself as Scottish by birth. (page 17)
But, she is a pakistani. See page 2 (3rd comment) in the link:
Rabies and rh60484 are not American and Canadian (by birth), respectively. rh60484 may be Canadian by naturalization, not by birth. If not he wouldn't be making such comments against Canada.
Comments of finger against Indians:
Finger mentioned Bihar because he thought you are an Indian (because of your comments against rabies). Check the last sentence of 3rd page on the following link:
Comments of shore against Indians:
There is a probability that all these people belong to the same nation as njcspartner, Pakistan. These people may be having personal motives in attacking Indians.
You might have became a victim to these people because you fought against racism towards Indians. Indians have successfully defeated rabies, rh60484, and njcspartner. So, these people might be taking their frustration on you. Sorry brother, you seem to be a victim of Indo-Pak war.
doctornew = spforcominedstudy ... a nutcase in Chicago ..... LOL
btw doctornew , I am desi too .... but unlike you I am not blindly patriotic to nutcases like @kakarot ... LOL
@finger, you revealed your identity by telling you are a desi....... If you are desi and you are not Indian; then everybody knows who you are..... Your desperateness to support rh60484 may be an example of blind patriotism.
I am a recent medical graduate looking for a career. I heard USMLE is closing for IMGs, so have been following this forum.... to know how many people are getting IVs, and other latest information. I took an initiative to comment on this forum to help kakarot because I felt he did right thing in commenting against racism and is over-targeted (2 threads, 30+ posts, etc.). Anyway, you can give me any name, spforcominedstudy, nutcase in Chicago, or your own name finger. May be we both are the same person, doctornew = spforcominedstudy = nutcase in Chicago = finger. LOL.
Keep fighting. Its not my war. Good luck to you guys. Thanks for the entertainment. I stopped watching movie for this serial. Will be back to my movie.
@spforcominedstudy See, unlike you I am not blindly patriotic. I joined you in defense when the desi-attacker moonface1050 was posting crap about us but you take it too far .... you just blindly support desis and I am sorry I cannot support a deviant liar like Kakarot just bcoz he's desi too. You know what I am saying is true, you have the freedom to make your choices.
@spforcominedstudy btw which movie u r watching?
@finger, just saw your post. I am off the forum for a while because I am tired of the arguments and statistics stuff. I haven't taken the patent to fight for Desis. Anyone and everyone who supports Desis is not me. It seems doctornew is too naive for this forum (as his/her ID name suggests) because he/she did not notice your post where you attacked moonface for attacking Indians.
You have my respect for exposing desi-attacker, moonface1050.
Regarding kakarot, I didn't know he is a desi until now and I am not a good judge to decide if kakarot is a liar or honest person. I do appreciate him for responding strongly against racism, though.
@spforcominedstudy That's ok, thanks for your nice words. And I guess you are correct, kakarot does stand up for anti-racism which I can respect. I just wish he would not be sometimes condescending when he addresses people. He's too quick to sometimes call people idiots and also brag about "20+" interviews. Seriously, there are many class acts here who have 20+ IVs : dr abha, noropeds, futuremgh etc and you see them Conducting themselves with class and respecting their fellow colleagues regardless of race/creds etc. Anyway, I'm done here. Was fun poking holes in Dr Kakarot's intriguing and ever changing story Smile.
Ok sp@ take care and r'ber if anyone messes with you around here you will have a desi bro that will come to support Smile
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