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The Trump Effect - drstem
Paytoll... You are incorrect! I am using every right and privilege that I have as a US Citizen along with my hard work. This is my country. You guys don't have the rights that we Citizens have here.

And morons, you have to realize that the AMGs that are getting first preference in the match need a lower score to match at that same spot that a top score Non US FMG does. That is how it is and that is right. Yes till now you Non US IMGs had to work harder to get the higher scores but that is not going to get you in any more NOW. With Trumps orders you will have to go back to your country REGSRDLESS OF YOUR SCORES. So it is not a matter of scores any more. So quit thinking that the best doctors in the US only come from foreign countries because that is simply not true. US has several competent doctors too. You guys need to get over your superiority complex that only IMGs are qualified!! Together we US Citizens , i.e., AMGs, DOs and US Citizen IMGs will continue working hard and we will compete together for our residency spots. And nobody can say that we are any less than top!! Because we work hard too. Not only you! So yes we US Citizen doctor will treat our patients and you non US IMGs will have to go back to your country no matter how high your scores are. That is right. Just think of Canada who only select their nationals...Are you entitled to practice medicine in Canada if you score 100% on their exams?!! NO!! You have to pack your bags and go back to your country because you are not a citizen there. Then why do you feel entitled to practice medicine here in USA just because you have some high scores?!! You need to wake up and realize that America has a door now and you do not belong inside the US. Only US Citizens rightly belong here and we will work hard and take care of our patients.
In the above post I mistyped mroops name as "morons". That was autocorrect... I don't mean to call you morons. I apologize for this error.
@dr stem: If you are Indian, then there are no male US senators of Indian descent in the Congress. Regardless, just tell us who you know. They are our public servants too.

@mroops: Fortunately, the vast majority of physicians are so much more than a 3 digit score. I will agree with you that at first glance, a FMG with 250 does look better than the US-IMG with a 200 score, unfortunately.
Philosoraptor... I am not Indian! And since I am dealing with lawyers and senators I have to consult with them before realeasing the document but I have told my uncles that once it is sent I can post it here and they agreed.

What you guys need to realize is that scores do not determine your entry into the US ANY MORE. Trump does!! And a PD doesn't determine your selection any more as far as entry into the US is concerned. If a PD with a Sudan passport left the country for vacation right now , he will be stopped st the airport and forced to go back to Sudan now!! There is already news of this being done with an Internal medical doctor in Cleveland clinic!! You can read it in today's news. You can forget about medicine or whatever your plans in the US are because you won't be granted entry into the US itself let alone appear in front of a US PD at the hospital!! Face it guys ! You are out of the US. USA has got borders now. Those of you who are here for interviews should cancel your flights to go back home because if you match on match day you will NOT be allowed to enter the US let alone join residency!! Get it now?!!
And I feel especially sad for Americans who have spouses from the countries Trump is blocking?!! Because if your spouse goes to visit his family in those home countries you can be sure that your spouse won't be able to come back to the US. And with the Arab countries retaliating against this ban the American spouses won't be able to go to those Arab countries to see their spouses!! I know it is heartbreaking but that is what is happening sadly. The only positive thing that is coming out of this Trump effect is that it will open spots for us US Citizens when we apply for residency or any job in the US.
Just as you went to some country outside USA and used it to become a Dr, in the same vein, those in your class can come here and work beside you. If you are against it, burn your degree and stop going to other countries. Become a Dr here and then you can spew this garbage. If you can't do that you are in to eat your own vomitus.
Not at all Rocephin.... The country where I went to get my degree gave me a legal visa to do so. Plus I don't have right to work there because I am a US Citizen. So you also don't have right to work here in the US. Why USA should give you that right? You won't even get a legal visa NOW.
I completely agree with drstem.
As per MCI rules I was not even given registration in my origin country India to practice there because I am a US Citizen. We should not be giving rights and privileges to these non us citizen FMGs to come here and practice medicine in USA. I support Trump completely. The foreigners must go back.
@Kashvi, there is no provision for OCI holders to practice medicine? Interesting....

Do you think it's fair for people who are already residents here (like that resident from Cleveland Clinic), who are FMGs to be sent back?
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