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Silent Rejections!! - doctorjigga
and would someone please ban these ppl who keep giving emotional applicants wrong ideas ! this is so wrong !!! they r playing with emotional applicant for their business and trying to lead ppl wrong for a little money.
that's negative thinking.

persistence does not equal begging. persistence is a sign of interest. if you persist after they reject you then that's being a pain.

to think of IV's as real versus fake is also wrong. getting an IV is the goal. majority of programs will not give you a spot without an IV.

"If they want you and want to keep u, they wud invite u"
wrong. that implies that an interview is a lock-in guarantee for a residency spot.

if they want you and want to keep you, they will put you on their residency match list.
if they are interested in you, they will give you an interview.

"else u r only wasting ur resources in going for an interview"
a phone call and an email is a simple tool.
not trying would be a waste of resources.

"cuz we both know how u got it"
now this is a statement that is playing on emotional applicants and giving them wrong ideas. contradicting. the match is a competition. do it for yourself and don't care about what other people think of you or what they "know" of you.

it's pretty obvious there are no guarantees to this method. or else, there would be no NRMP every year.

good luck!


thuc huynh

i disagree with the above two. even if by some miracle u dont piss off the PC or PD by persistently calling them and they invite u for an IV , just because u r SO persistent, is no guarantee that they wud want such an annoying persistent pain in the butt in their program. plus an iv shud be a real interview , not one u get cuz u r begging them , thats just making urself feel better, if they want u and want to keep u , they wud invite u , else u r only wasting ur resources in going for an interview , cuz we both know how u got it .
100% true.
I personally am not going to call any programs. Its your own choice I guess. Alot of the confirmation emails I received so far from programs have specifically stated "Dont call and ask about status of application" So thats enough for me not to call.
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