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what r my chances for 2013? - enemylife
IMG friendly specialities
Know the Playing Field
International medical graduates start at a disadvantage. They have visa needs, they have USMLE hurdles, language barriers to overcome and if they do brave all of these obstacles they are not sure which fields will be right for them. They can apply to the speciality that they like irrespective of the match outcome, hoping they will get through or they can apply to a field that has the highest chances of making them a successful candidate.
I agree with cheeks. No specialty is easy. But you really have only 6 months to obtain the USCE and LORs for 2013 match, so it is better you pick and chose 1/2 specialties and focus on it.
And like others has explained, it is better you address the issue of multiple CS attempts in your CS. There was a video i saw of a kaplan interview with PDs to see what they look for in candidates with different circumstances/creds- i'll try and find it and post a link. GL
Psych is super easy!
Dude.. I know people with step 1, ck, and cs attempts who get into Psych...
thank you for ur responses guys....yes i too think in this short span of time i wont be able to convince the psych PDs....

@satyajit, eagerly waiting for ur PDs link....

@iprematched, thats encouraging, but i myself hav heard of ppl with attempts getting even into im, fm, peds and even surg...just that they had higher scores (240+ in both steps)...
cheeks is right.. unless u are completely unsure of what u like, shud u be getting into a field u might not love
i just posted somehwere that even FM and psych are getting competitive now coz everyone uses them as back ups which is unfortunate for those wanting only fm & psych
my advice to ur new Q is if u really like neuro .. peds and want only that then go for the usce in them then apply to those programs..
noone can really ans this fr u as far as i can tell coz it all depends on what u want to do for the rest of ur life.. what do u really like??
thanks satori..
@enemy, give step 3, do more externship. u got 3 positives. new graduate is very good plus point. apply where your heart takes. i feel im/fm is good to enter.
what already happened we can't change, we can only hope and try for what we can change.
regarding ps, i talked with few attendings who were in shortlisting team in uni program, they said they read every ps but if first paragraph is unintresting she just dumps it without reading completely.
@ stepthree123, thanks... will keep that in mind....
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